McKinney Texas


Well-Known Member
There is a group in McKinney known as the "Crape Myrtle Trails" and I know quite a bit about it, because when we were younger my stepmom talked about how she was like an important member or something.

But there is NOTHING good about the Crape Myrtle trails. True, they plant pretty trees. But honestly, there are WAY prettier trees to be planted.

It's ok to want to plant a few Crape Myrtles, but my stepmom told me about charity dinners where they literally earn $1,000,000+ for planting crap myrtles... That's TOO many, you can't just ATTACK an ecosystem like that. A few years ago the trees even grew these weird beetles things, it looked like scaled that started as like bark colored and turned black if I remember correctly. But my point is, this kind of things isn't normal. They build an environment for that beetle to thrive, which effected the ecosystem by bringing MASS numbers of those beetles. Now, as an example: what if that beetle attracted a certain bird, and that bird ha a better beak for suburban living the natural birds of McKinney. Like they are better at digging into the mortar between bricks or something like that. Now those Texas birds get wiped out, and what if those birds are easier prey for wolves increasing the wolf population (just a crazy example explaining how the ecosystem works), or the bird carries a disease that can be transmitted to humans.

Planting a few of each plant in various places is ok, but planting ONE plant everywhere is not ok.

We should plant different kinds of fruit trees, so that the plants are useable. We should contract farmers to plant and harvest trees on public property all over town. A portion of it goes to the feeding community centers, while the farmers keep the rest. But the city keeps up regular watering and weed maintenance as it does now. And if that project could get as much funding as the crape myrtle trails project, we could feed hundreds of families, while making the town beautiful.


Well-Known Member
Democratic Republican can best be explained by telling you about the girls who call themselves conservative republicans because they like conservative fashion, but they don't really know much about politics. But one day they will end up voting for people like George Bush, but right now they vote for Obama. Liberal Republicans can best be described by girls who vote republican because of their daddies, but are passionate about animals or being vegetarian. A LOT of that going around in Mckinney. :lol:

Sooo, they're ALL idiots, like you


Well-Known Member
McKinney should adopt the philosophy "It takes a village to raise a child". We are already half way there, but the government need to make sure the children are not just educated about the curriculum, but the world around them and the politics that drive their city. And the police need to make sure they aren't arresting kids instead of teaching them.

We already have good recreational sports programs and an amazing school district, but we need more things that support not only what we believe our kids should be, but what are kids believe they can be. There should be musical programs in place to support aspiring bands, actors, politicians, communications enthusiasts, tech enthusiasts and more, and they should be available and promoted to EVERYONE. Programs that are as supportive to your choice as the FFA or BSA is to the kids that join.


Well-Known Member
McKinney should get murals made constantly. Every holiday, or celebration should be kept in everyone's memory by some shop owner (or school, public lot or church if that is where it is held) with a mural on a wall or section of parking lot, or some form of totem or statue/art.

This solidifies the neighborhood because they can point and say "I was part of that", as well as gives jobs to artists that may try to put their art in public illegally without an outlet such as this. And this can help us create celebrated artists that our town promotes nationally.


Well-Known Member
The libraries should have public printing machines to promote free speech. They should cost money per use, like how it costs like 10 cents per page to print paper out at the Library. And I don't mean just put more printers, I mean like Xerox machines and brother machines. So that people can make large posters, write pamphlets or t-shirts an stuff. It would increase free speech amazingly, and it would provide the need and resources to hire graphic artists in our libraries.
And this should already exist, instead of having to go to a company like Kinko's and pay fifty cents to a dollar for a regular piece of paper with regular ink printed on it. We could even contract companies that already exist and have machines to start operating out of the libraries.

This could be a shared venture with the post office to help the post office be profitable and convenient in terms of printing lots of stuff and shipping it.


Well-Known Member
You should become a community organizer. Look what it did for Obama.
I would, I was thinking city planner, but I will probably have to choose a proxy, since I have warrants in town. And you can be mayor by proxy a lot easier than you can be city planner by proxy. Maybe I have that backwards though, because I've seen the McKinney city manager fire someone on YouTube... So maybe that would be an easier job to do by proxy...


Well-Known Member
I would, I was thinking city planner, but I will probably have to choose a proxy, since I have warrants in town. And you can be mayor by proxy a lot easier than you can be city planner by proxy. Maybe I have that backwards though, because I've seen the McKinney city manager fire someone on YouTube... So maybe that would be an easier job to do by proxy...
City planners don't become organizers do. Do you have a birth certificate?


Well-Known Member
City planners don't become organizers do. Do you have a birth certificate?
And I'm not sure McKinney has a community organizer... I might have a birth certificate, unless I left it in Pueblo somehow...


Well-Known Member
I vote that we give Texas to Mexico. Adios!
Hell no. Texas is its own country. Mexico needs to adopt some Amsterdamian policies though, now that tourists can't smoke in Amsterdam, Mexico needs to put some money into that and start making bricks of hash instead of bricks of dirt. It would bring them tons of money, tons of tourists and even give the cartel a reason to be less violent. It won't end the violence because there is still coke trade, heroine trade, meth trade and gun trade. But I'm guessing that if Marijuana was legal, huge sections of the cartel would be forced to straighten up and operate right. That's all they really want anyways, they only pull guns out at the border because the border police pull out guns and steal stuff when they get there. They used to be able to farm and transport the stuff legally.


Well-Known Member
In McKinney there is a little "historic" type stone town made to look like a Croatian village. My friends uncle was the contractor building it, so they used to have band practice in the parking garage, and now they have July fireworks events next to it.

I think they should use that area for more festivals. They should poll the community, and see how many people would be interested in different festivals. And since it is a historic type village, I suggest heritage and art festivals. Like a day where there are Irish stalls and beer, Celtic art and fried stuff and stuff for St. Patricks. And same thing but German and sausage for Oktoberfest. Then February have a Black history festival with people who speak, artists who make art and music that empower the black community. Then a Mexican heritage celebration for cinco de mayo, etc. It would really bring people together, and teach them about culture and food from different places, while letting the people that are party of those cultures show everyone their heritage.


Well-Known Member
Hell no. Texas is its own country. Mexico needs to adopt some Amsterdamian policies though, now that tourists can't smoke in Amsterdam, Mexico needs to put some money into that and start making bricks of hash instead of bricks of dirt. It would bring them tons of money, tons of tourists and even give the cartel a reason to be less violent. It won't end the violence because there is still coke trade, heroine trade, meth trade and gun trade. But I'm guessing that if Marijuana was legal, huge sections of the cartel would be forced to straighten up and operate right. That's all they really want anyways, they only pull guns out at the border because the border police pull out guns and steal stuff when they get there. They used to be able to farm and transport the stuff legally.
Lol, can't smoke in Amsterdam...

Bitch please.


Well-Known Member
WTF happened to your grow journal failschwaggy? I need to know how the hippy beater project is going, or is it dead?


Well-Known Member
Also, side note. A lot of these politics could be applied in many towns across America and would make government a profitable entity, while increasing community support.
Do you like it when governments are profitable? I don't think governments should be in the business of 'turning profits'.