

Well-Known Member
anarchy, like anything else, cannot happen overnight if you expect a positive outcome. for any area to be suddenly thrown into a state of anarchy would, of course, be catastrophic. for an anarchist society to succeed it must evolve. true capitalism may be seen as a path to anarchism as it demands self reliance, true democracy may be seen as a path to anarchism as it allows the people to guide their own lives, communalism may be seen as a path to anarchism as it requires that the people themselves see to the welfare of the community as a whole. anything that requires the people to take personal responsibility is a positive step toward and anarchist society, just as anything that distances the people from control of their lives is a step backward.

Exactly. Anarchy in the sense that Undertheice sees it presupposes all people think like him and want their freedom to enjoy their life.
no, it presupposes that all people are primarily interested in their own welfare and most are intelligent enough to realize that humans are far too weak to be anything other than social animals. an anarchist society demands that its constituents police themselves and see to the welfare of all or the population declines, the community is weakened and the society dies.

Problem is, the bad rotten motherfuckers that want nothing more than to rape and pillage. There are assholes that would be yanking schoolgirls off the street and raping them, kicking in your front door and shooting you on sight to take the keys to you corvette and take it out and trash it, etc. Believe it or not, cops and the government keep a lot of assholes in check. With true anarchy, the gangs would rule the streets and you'd have to barricade yourself in your homes and hold vigil 24-7.
don't these motherfuckers exist now? you may choose to believe in the illusion of government enforced safety, but the smoke and mirrors behind that delusion are worn a bit thin. believe it or not, the people are capable of policing themselves. however, the institutions of government have taken that power away from us as well. ceding that power has turned most of the population into a society of victims, as they wait patiently for the authorities to deal with every little situation, and some small part of it into a loose affiliation of rebellious children bent on flaunting their contempt for their masters and attempting to regain some of the power that has been stolen from them.

the journey toward anarchism is not just a political revolution, but an ethical one as well. merely abolishing representative government is nothing without a community that is capable of accepting personal responsibility for their own fates.


New Member
Well, maybe I'm missing something here. I honestly believe in limited government AND self reliance. We DO have anarchy already ... in the drug trade. We can see the results. One drug dealer cheats another drug dealer. They can't call the cops, or sue in a court of law ... so they must rely on beatings and murder to enforce their contracts. In "my" limited government world, we would still need cops, courts and jails. If we don't have hired guns (the cops), then we have to do our own enforcement. I know that in a perfect world it wouldn't be so ... but we are far from a perfect world. That's why anarchy and communism don't work. On one hand you have "Lord of The Flies," and on the other hand you have tyranny.



Well-Known Member
Well, maybe I'm missing something here. I honestly believe in limited government AND self reliance. We DO have anarchy already ... in the drug trade. We can see the results. One drug dealer cheats another drug dealer. They can't call the cops, or sue in a court of law ... so they must rely on beatings and murder to enforce their contracts. In "my" limited government world, we would still need cops, courts and jails. If we don't have hired guns (the cops), then we have to do our own enforcement. I know that in a perfect world it wouldn't be so ... but we are far from a perfect world. That's why anarchy and communism don't work. On one hand you have "Lord of The Flies," and on the other hand you have tyranny.

Nothing that controlls people will ever work.....Ever..People do what they want and what they as a person want to do if you tell them to do other wise your a mooley. Mooley means stupid for thinking for everything but yourself.

Who cares if this person smokes crack? They dont care why should you? Everyone lives a more stressfull life then they need to because they give a shit. Dont live other peoples lives its stupid because once you help them your still down.

Anachy is George Bush shit even more controll issues forcing people to live under their rules not this other guys. Should be ashamed to call yourself anarchy:joint:


New Member
"Anachy is George Bush shit even more controll issues forcing people to live under their rules not this other guys. Should be ashamed to call yourself anarchy"

And you've been smoking crack how long? :mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
"Anachy is George Bush shit even more controll issues forcing people to live under their rules not this other guys. Should be ashamed to call yourself anarchy"

And you've been smoking crack how long? :mrgreen:

On and off 2 minutes now....... think its bunk turns my pipe black I need the metal brillows these plastic ones suck.