McCain says he will continue Federal MMJ raids


Well-Known Member
John McCain has publicly stated he will continue such raids and has no problem putting dying people in prison. Obama has stated he would stop such raids in legal states. Obama believes states have the right to make such laws, McCain does not. I'm not a big Obama fan but this right there is enough to get my vote.


Uses the Rollitup profile
John McCain has publicly stated he will continue such raids and has no problem putting dying people in prison. Obama has stated he would stop such raids in legal states. Obama believes states have the right to make such laws, McCain does not. I'm not a big Obama fan but this right there is enough to get my vote.
Thanks for that.

That's exactly how I see it. McCain will continue to threaten me with prison, and Obama says he won't.

Any medical marijuana grower who is paying attention will understand that.



Well-Known Member
technically states do have the right to do it, but also federal laws supersede them. fucking loopholes
not really. Current federal raids are a blatent abuse of power. The only reason they are allowed to continue is because the Fed's are able to make up stuff saying the clinics are dealing across state lines. I mean, we've all seen the videos where Fed's are hauling people to jail while the local police sit there shaking their heads. It all trickles down from the White House. If they want to fuck up marijuana co-ops, they will. Hopefully the new Obama administration will put an end to it. As has already been said, he and Biden have both promised to end federal raids.


New Member
The feds biggest asset is their prison systems.Where do they funnel more money than here:-o.Drug war!That's right one hand feeding the other:clap:.Is not this a MONOPOLY:?::finger:?Recession should effect everyone ,not just the people.:wall: What about Our Governments that created this mess?:fire:

Their answer is:Lets bail out the Chinese:idea:.We Blew them up because of Pearl Harbor and then gave all Chinese 3% loans for life.That is our Government.:finger: