

I have 6 plants all doing very well EXCEPT 1. They were all planted at the same time and nothing different has been done to this one. It is a OG Kush. It has takes about 8 days to turn into this death on a stick! I had it happen to 1 Purple Nice Guy in my last crop also. Help what is happening???? I flushed the soil completely on day 2, fetilized on day 4, and watered lightly on day 7. The leaves are all curled and have turned crispy over the past 2 days. Even the new growth is beginning to turn. Please help!!

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Well-Known Member
get it out of there now
this is most likely a pathogen like a virus or a fungus

i wouldn't take the risk if the others are ok, and it looks dead too


how much nutes are you giving them? Soil? lights,temp, ph?
Per 1 gallon of water: 1/2 tsp MagiCal, 1/2 tsp B1, 30ml Big Bloom, 15ml Tiger Bloom, 1tsp Sugar Daddy, 1/4tsp Beatie Bloomz, was also using 10ml of Grow Big but stopped it. Its just weird cuz it has happened to 1 plant out of the last 2 grows. Religously check the ph level of the water before using it and it is ALWAYS 6.4 to 6.6. temp is set at 75 degrees F, this one has light coming from a trolly system and the last one that did it was under a stationary light. This one is not in the same pot as the first one that did it. The soil used is Roots 707. It doesnt seen to be using water at all anymore. grrr it had some awesome flowers starting too! Room is well vented and there is no CO2 in this room but the first one was in a room with CO2. So confused