MAYDAY MAYDAY wet dog looking plant.

today i woke up and i was scared at what i found one of my plants ( i only have 2 ) was laying down and had the look of a wet dog. no strength to keep the leave up here is an imageIMG_0030.jpgi put the support stick in today to keep it standing and tried to "flip" some of the leaves so they are still gathering sun what do i do.... how can i save her
just so you all know i am running filtered water and dirt/soil mix i found in my back yard.... now i know thats not gana get me the best growth but they should stay alive.


Well-Known Member
you think its time to trans them into bigger pots?
It's a guess, Carefully take it out when the soil is really dried, and look at the roots, then you'll know if you need to transplant.
Probably the backyard soil is compact and so it stays moist all the time. I can't tell if I 'm not there and touching it lol :D
When do you water? You need to water when the top 2 inches are really dry,almost like sand.


Well-Known Member
Looks like lack of oxygen due to overwatering in a compact soil to me too. If it was underwatering
the leaves would prolly look wore wilted.


Active Member
I had the problem before, and lost em, (mostly due to rootbound)(planting pot is too small) but i have had great success adding 100_2519.jpgafter I xplant due to rootbinding. I guess any product that promotes shock reduction. I have even let cuttings sit in a solution of the B1 and water in a bucket for 3-5 days and they still pointing up at the sky. And then cut clones off the cuttings and WAAlah! Gots some new babies!


Active Member
whoa! Edit #7. i just went 3 days and flushed out the bucket. I cant say 5 days cuz I believe u can get burn.