Mayday, Mayday, Code Blue, One Adam 12, One Adam 12!


Well-Known Member
Im living in Oregon right now and helicopter raids are quite frequent around the harvest months, so stay away from oregon. Personally if i had the freedom and money to choose where to live id haul ass to Canada. NO ONE goes to jail for growing over there. You can have a 40 plant indoor set up and they'll give u a slap on the wrist! No jail time


Well-Known Member
Im living in Oregon right now and helicopter raids are quite frequent around the harvest months, so stay away from oregon. Personally if i had the freedom and money to choose where to live id haul ass to Canada. NO ONE goes to jail for growing over there. You can have a 40 plant indoor set up and they'll give u a slap on the wrist! No jail time

I do not mean to sound like a big douchebag, but I am primarily interested in growing outdoors under the most optimum conditions available for my beloved ganja crop.

I do not think that OR or Canada fit the bill for this!
I am going to tour most of the sunbelt states until I decide!!!


Active Member
Have you thought about Hawaii. You can grow out door year round over here. State also cut funding for choppers in the past few years so they are not as big a problem. The feds still run a couple though. We also got medical marijuana if you want to go legit.


New Member
Sincere thanks for all of the responses.

TEUFELHuNDEN420, Hawaii is a great idea, I have been looking into it for most of this morning, wow I don't know why I did not think of it. Rent seems to be the highest in comparison to other locations, but lots of remote areas seem to be available...the climate looks killer!!!

redking11...what areas in NM would you advise checking out, or for that matter Utah as well????I do not know anything about these states!

Dutch1976....I have travelled to and stayed in Orlando many times, as well as the Ocala area north of Orlando...considering this sunny location strongly.
An additional bonus would be the superb Largemouth Bass fishing all around!!
Bass and Buds baby!!!


I love RIU, as you guys are the greatest!!!!:mrgreen:
Wavels, I'd think twice about Hawaii. The locals have the MJ trade sewn up and they do nasty things to outsiders that try and grow. I worked with a Hawaiian guy for years and he told me all about the MJ business in the islands. he was a major grower untill he had to come to the mainland, some kind of problem with the law. The pot grown there is superb though, his cousin sends him a taste once in a while. You'd be surprised how small those islands can become. My advice is to learn indoor growing with hydro and double your pleasure, double your fun by lowering your paranoia.


Well-Known Member
Wavels, I'd think twice about Hawaii. The locals have the marijuana trade sewn up and they do nasty things to outsiders that try and grow. I worked with a Hawaiian guy for years and he told me all about the marijuana business in the islands. he was a major grower untill he had to come to the mainland, some kind of problem with the law. The pot grown there is superb though, his cousin sends him a taste once in a while. You'd be surprised how small those islands can become. My advice is to learn indoor growing with hydro and double your pleasure, double your fun by lowering your paranoia.

Howdy med,
It's nice to see you outside of the politics forum for a change!!
Thanks sincerely for your input.

I have now decided against Hawaii...simply too many logistical problems involved with my relocation there.
I am concentrating on the Sunbelt states, and am leaning heavily towards South Fl. I can grow throughout the winter months in S.Fl with virtually no down time. My preferred outdoor technique is to speed up flowering by moving the plants into darkrooms indoors for twelve hours when I wish to flower. I did this in the Northeast US and came to realize that this technique gives me the best of both worlds, in that I have complete control of when to flower as well as the tremendous benefit of the sun(vs. HIDs) I also suspect that shifting immediately to 12 hours of darkness assists in quicker maturation of the buds.
I am of the opinion that sun grown buds are tastier and substantially more potent than their indoor counterparts.
I grew indoors hydroponically from about 1982 to is not for me... I changed to soilless growing and will never go back to hydro for lots of reasons.


Active Member
Thanks for the input Filthy,
I would also avoid Dade County, I was thinking about western Broward. Or Maybe Monroe county as I love the Keys?
The Orlando area also intrigues me...
TX I have been contemplating, I have spent time in Houston and did not like it, but TX is a big ass state, is it all bad???
I have heard mixed opinions on AZ...I am considering GA also?
This is gonna be a tough call!

texas is really anti pot big penalties


Well-Known Member
How about Arkansas???I hear that there is a-lot of space around there & there has to be fewer people i would imagine..