MAYDAY!MAYDAY!! 6th week FLOWERING 70% yellow leaves


Hello members this is my first time here with my first thread for my 2nd indoor organic grow @ 400w MH/HPS. Seeds were some "type" of haze. Cant quote me on the name. They were given to me. Im having major issues.For the past 3 weeks Ive been battling with the leaves turning yellow. Seems like theyre doomed! My confusion is that they havent drooped once on me. Fans up reaching for the skies!! Buds are growing but still stringy. Red hairs coming in. And layered with sparkling trichomes. First it looked like nute burn so i flushed them about 4 weeks ago. After that, leaves been getting lighter, some have been fried with some small brown spots and some turned yellow like the end of flowering. But its too early for that. And the rest are lightening up little by little. PLEASE ANY ASSISTANCE WOULD BE GREATLY APPRECIATED!!! Im starting to have a passion for this. Whether they Live or Die im gaining the knowledge...
MEDIUM: Fox Farms soil, EarthWorm Castings, Lobster Compost, Perlite. Distilled Water
During VEG I fed them a compost tea consisted of 1tbl spoon of Mexican Guano,1 tsp Age old Kelp, 1tbl spoon molasses, in one gallon water. In FLOWER compost tea consisting of 1tbl spoon Indonesian Guano (which i switched to Canna pk13/14: NPK 0-10-11),1 tsp Age old Kelp, 1tbl spoon molasses. Once yellow worsten 2 WEEKS AGO,which began at the middle, the tea consist of 1tsp PK13/14,1tsp CAL MAG, and topped the medium with teaspoon of the Mexican guano, which is high in N to hopefully stopped the yellowing before pouring tea. BUT TO NO AVAIL!!! SOMEBODY?!! ANYBODY?!!!


Well-Known Member
Turn off the hps then take pics. Typically yes the plants will be fine, just feed more N to keep the leafs green in flower. Most bloom nutes have low N so the leafs will yellow out as the plant runs iut if N in mid to late flower.


Turn off the hps then take pics. Typically yes the plants will be fine, just feed more N to keep the leafs green in flower. Most bloom nutes have low N so the leafs will yellow out as the plant runs iut if N in mid to late flower

Thanks but dont it need green fan leaves. like i said 70% is either fully yellow or on its way?


Well-Known Member
You'll be able to harvest some bud but you're not going to be able to fix that foliage before you do. There's definitely some burn going on there and probably a few other things too -- hard to tell really. At this point, I would concentrate on dialing in your soil mix and feeding regimine for your next run so the same mistakes aren't repeated.

It looks to me like you're trying to do way too much, particularly with your 'compost' tea. A compost tea is actually just that, compost and some molasses bubbled for 36 hours and applied for its micro-organism content; it's not rich in nutrients but it can aid in fixing deficiencies in an amended soil by increasing nutrient availability. What you're describing sounds like a nutrient tea, a weird organic/synthetic Frankenstein nutrient tea -- and not a good one, at least not for an organic soil.

If I were you I would go to the organics section and let those dudes set you straight from top to bottom -- there's some really cool and knowledgable guys over there so you'll be in good hands.


You'll be able to harvest some bud but you're not going to be able to fix that foliage before you do. There's definitely some burn going on there and probably a few other things too -- hard to tell really. At this point, I would concentrate on dialing in your soil mix and feeding regimine for your next run so the same mistakes aren't repeated.

It looks to me like you're trying to do way too much, particularly with your 'compost' tea. A compost tea is actually just that, compost and some molasses bubbled for 36 hours and applied for its micro-organism content; it's not rich in nutrients but it can aid in fixing deficiencies in an amended soil by increasing nutrient availability. What you're describing sounds like a nutrient tea, a weird organic/synthetic Frankenstein nutrient tea -- and not a good one, at least not for an organic soil.

If I were you I would go to the organics section and let those dudes set you straight from top to bottom -- there's some really cool and knowledgable guys over there so you'll be in good hands.
I appreciate the knowledge. I actually was succesful with my first grow with that soil mix. an experienced grower suggested it for me. As for the tea ur probably right. Im doing too much. As of today i fed it pk 13/14, tsp guano for xtra nitrogen, and cal mag which the store suggested. NPK @ 5-10-11. And they also said to ride it out. so i guess im basically stuck. Thank for the reply


Well-Known Member
Look at the leaf curling up. Thought temps but you said in the other thread temp was 73.

Since its not temps its over water. You flushed and the watering before. Let it dry out.


Well-Known Member
Looks very hot to me amino but as the post before me said it certainly shouldn't be anice issue at 73. On the bright side if you don't get crazy you should still be able to finish alright