Maybe i should read a book? Which one best


Well-Known Member
:fire:It's about time i bought one of these Ed Rosenthal books. Whcich one and, yeah, "all of them" is what i was thinking too. But what to start with.

I am gorwing in a tent in an apt and have a stealth veg cab in a dresser. Perhaps closet cultivator is the right choice. Or maybe how to grow bud for under a 100 or maybe the big one about MJ that looks so nice. I would lean toward closet cultivator as it had a waelth of things i should know that i am prob missing. I read the net all day but lets be hinest it is the net. I saw a neg reveiw as to its value tho, ow, I know we all are die hard fans.

I am too scared, well not scared, i am a big huge guy, lol, of going to the barned and noble in person now with my streetlight in my closet going. 007 is a fun game so I will happily ordering either of the three regardless of cost over the internet. Regardless of cost as apparently according to my understanding iver the internet everything is free and the money is expendable to a degree that the credit card being easeir to spend than cash theroy is now a joke. Ebay is a money pit, lol, rivalled by only home depot where i can manage to spend 40 dollars and buy nothing every time i go in there. Rofl. I shit you not there. And while i attempt tp be thrifty returning pvc is a little weird.

So what book is best. I up early. Too cool as you see my plants had a growth spurt last night and the NL seedlings are doing good. Also it looks like you have to microwave Mazer Afghan to get it to germinate. This plant must keep hell form the dangers of an indica free insomniac nightmare. I need my weed to sleep! Which reminds me :Who thinks they should have taken Thebain out of Oxy-codone first, lol/ I beleive that is the stimualnt that hides in there. Probalby the queit selling point everybody argues to themselvs. Lol, not here.


Well-Known Member
I like Jorge Cervantes' Marijuana Horticulture: The Indoor/Outdoor Medical Grower's Bible It's very comprehensive but it's not tailored to a closet grow.