may sound silly..


Well-Known Member
Have just started the flowering process, and my relatively cheap temperature station says humidity is around 80% at lights out.
I have a small fan blowing for 20 minutes every hour and it doesn't feel humid at all.
Should I perhaps invest in a more pricey unit or am I just stressing...


Well-Known Member
humidity go's up at lights out
need fan's and exhaust fan going 24 hr
yeah I've noticed every time lights out it gets higher so to counter that I feed my plants when lights go on so they have 12 hours to soak up/evap the most part of nutrients.
And sorry one more thing, for an exexhaust fan the bloke at the hydro shop nearest me reckons au$350..
Is this reasonable or can I get away with a cheaper setup?
My tent is 4'x4'x8' with 5 plants flowering


Well-Known Member
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Enigmatic Ways

Well-Known Member
Have just started the flowering process, and my relatively cheap temperature station says humidity is around 80% at lights out.
I have a small fan blowing for 20 minutes every hour and it doesn't feel humid at all.
Should I perhaps invest in a more pricey unit or am I just stressing...
It's funny that you said this, that's exactly what my humidity was going up to with lights off in my tent 5x5x7 with two 600's...And I was running an exhaust fan 440 cfm 24/0 and it was still that high, so I had to invest in a dehumidifier....As you can see from the thermometer with my lights off my humidity went up to 84% last night. But hopefully that problem will be rectified now since I went and purchased this dehumidifier. Lol I know the numbers to my temperatures are messed up but I can see the humidity perfectly fine. IMG_20151103_225120.jpgIMG_20151103_224959.jpg


Well-Known Member
Might i suggest putting your temp/hygro down by where the canopy of your plants are and take a reading? Since thats what they would be seeing?

I could be wrong...

Enigmatic Ways

Well-Known Member
Might i suggest putting your temp/hygro down by where the canopy of your plants are and take a reading? Since thats what they would be seeing?

I could be wrong...
No you are absolutely right...But I can't get it at the same level as the canopy so I'm just like fuck it as long as I can get a general reading I'm all good.