Maximum amount to put in butter, Need Help


So my friend and I are going to be making some delicious edibles soon and need a little help because we are trying a new method. So we usually make out brownies with just regular canola oil and we usually get pretty good results, but after researching i have found that the fat content is higher so that fat cell can hold more THC. So now here is where I need some help.
We have about 60 grams of shake, stems and a little bud and we are going to be making some space cakes. What i was wondering was how much bud can i put per stick of butter to get the most potent cannabutter possible?

All input is greatly appreciated. Stay lifted my friends. bongsmilie


Active Member
anywhere from 1-6 stix. our strongest dose is a ratio of 54g/1 stick our lowest is 10g/1 stick. the trick is adding water. use the search function for that tutorial lol. happy baking :mrgreen:


Active Member
man use as much as you want.
if you want to use more weed than you have in butter volume, just do like I do and take a big pot, fill it with your weed and butter, and cover it with water until its all submerged. I usually boil it for upwards of 24 hours so i know I dont waste anything. Then strain it, and take the liquid and put it in the fridge, and your cannabutter will solidify ontop.


Active Member
how do u figure?
If you make budder with water, try it without.

The somewhat condensed, excerpted version per ShunkPharm:

So in conclusion, chlorophyll is not wholly soluble in water, but in its biological complex is able to associate with it.
By manipulating charge/charge interactions chlorophyll can be forced into solution with water and away from polar organic and non-polar solvents. While it doesn’t meet the inorganic chemistry definition of solubility, it will form micelles complexes with an ionic solution and it can be precipitated from that solution under the right conditions.
From a biological perspective chlorophyll can also be solubilized by any solvent under the right conditions.
Sooooo, back to my summary, it appears that some solvents can wash away the cement binding the chlorophyll in the plant cells and free the chlorophyll to be washed away as a micelles, but it also exposes the chlorophyll to the solvent, which in the case of alcohol, will readily dissolve it and hold it in solution.
Freezing the material prior to an extraction, may be holding both the chlorophyll and the WSCP locked up in ice, so that neither the water present or the solvent can reach the chlorophyll.
Merck Index lists chlorophyll as practically insoluble in non polar solvents, so the difference between practically and totally insoluble may offer a clue, as well as butanes practically insolubility in water.
While most sources list n-Butane as insoluble in water, its actual solubility is 0.0325 vol/vol, at 1 atmosphere pressure and 20C/68F. That is 32 ml/liter, which may be enough to account for the light electric green hue that occurs, by both washing away the WSCP and holding some of the chlorophyll in suspension.
When we saturate the water with salt, before washing a polar extract suspended in a non polar solvent like hexane, it forces the chlorophyll into solution and washes it away.


Active Member
ok please explain how what i read has to do with water affecting taste? how would u infuse 500grams into 10 stix of butter w/out the use of water? flavor is exactly why ganja goodies are made with butter washed a minimum of 3 times.


Active Member
we are talkn bout water/butter....not infusing butter with concentrates. where does n-butane, hexane or alcohol come into discussion? those are great for extracting concentrates but the chemical bond between canabinoids and fat does not require other simply requires proper temps for a very short period of time the bond occurs. its not a long slow drawn out process many would lead one to believe.


Active Member
ok please explain how what i read has to do with water affecting taste? how would u infuse 500grams into 10 stix of butter w/out the use of water? flavor is exactly why ganja goodies are made with butter washed a minimum of 3 times.
You can't extract 500g herb using 2.5 lb butter, as I am sure you know. I did not say you could not wash it 3x to clean it up. I just think, for someone that is not going to extract 7 oz per lb. butter, it is easy (extract, press out butter with french coffee press, and use butter) to not use water.


Active Member
You can't extract 500g herb using 2.5 lb butter, as I am sure you know. I did not say you could not wash it 3x to clean it up. I just think, for someone that is not going to extract 7 oz per lb. butter, it is easy (extract, press out butter with french coffee press, and use butter) to not use water.
i make that extraction 10-15 times a week (w/water of course) as each tray of 20 dose candy bars requires 560 grams. the tittle is asking about how much to i attempted to let the op know how he can use more weed in less butter. i use that mason jar method for my vegetable glycerine tincture tho. but i prefer a paint strainer to cheese cloth. its nylon and doesnt absorb anything. plus u can wash and reuse.


Active Member
and how can it be washed 3 times w/out water? how do u wash butter w/out water and make a better tasting edible? ur originally said try it w/out water and it will taste better if i remember correctly.