Maximum amount of kief I can dissolve into Everclear

I have 750ml of Everclear 190. I'm curious what is the maximum amount of kief I can dissolve into it to make the strongest possible sublingual tincture. In theory I can add around 40g of kief into the mixture every few months.
You could add lots...and evap off some of the etoh till it's strong enough to sizzle your tender sublingual tissue.
I hate doing that. lol
There are great YouTube videos on this .. can’t remember the lady but she used the 190 and strained about an ounce in cheesecloth.. took the green liquid over stemming hot water until it dissolved to wax...
I use 190 proof Everclear (about $20/750ml here). I just did a batch with 7 grams of flower and 3 grams of kief. I decarbed first (with an Ardent Nova) and soaked it overnight. Then I filtered it through a coffee filter and let the alcohol evaporate so I had 1oz of liquid remaining. A .75ml dropper of that gives me a good buzz. 1oz gives me about thirty .75ml doses.

I usually put it under my tongue, but the remaining Everclear really burns. I may also hit the vaporizer later that night, but not always.
I use 190 proof Everclear (about $20/750ml here). I just did a batch with 7 grams of flower and 3 grams of kief. I decarbed first (with an Ardent Nova) and soaked it overnight. Then I filtered it through a coffee filter and let the alcohol evaporate so I had 1oz of liquid remaining. A .75ml dropper of that gives me a good buzz. 1oz gives me about thirty .75ml doses.

I usually put it under my tongue, but the remaining Everclear really burns. I may also hit the vaporizer later that night, but not always.

Hi Arby,
Mind a few questions? I'm now on a search for a decarb method that preserves terps. You seem happy with the Ardent Nova...any problems with it?

Ya, I hate the sublingual burning from the alcohol. Do you do a final filter thing before vaping?
Hi Arby,
Mind a few questions? I'm now on a search for a decarb method that preserves terps. You seem happy with the Ardent Nova...any problems with it?

Ya, I hate the sublingual burning from the alcohol. Do you do a final filter thing before vaping?

The Nova works, although it's a little expensive for what it does. I like the fact that it's simple to use and is very low odor. The "low odor" part was the reason I got it. It's not completely odor-free, but when I run it in a room with the door closed, I don't smell anything outside of that room. Even in the same room, it smells like "warm plants" rather than "warm cannabis plants", so it's very manageable.

I've only used it 4 times so far, but it seems to do the job. Put in your material, push the button, and come back in a couple of hours.

I don't vape the result. I only use it sublingually or I put a dropper full in a drink.
The Nova works, although it's a little expensive for what it does. I like the fact that it's simple to use and is very low odor. The "low odor" part was the reason I got it. It's not completely odor-free, but when I run it in a room with the door closed, I don't smell anything outside of that room. Even in the same room, it smells like "warm plants" rather than "warm cannabis plants", so it's very manageable.

I've only used it 4 times so far, but it seems to do the job. Put in your material, push the button, and come back in a couple of hours.

I don't vape the result. I only use it sublingually or I put a dropper full in a drink.

So I could take that a small All American pressure cooker and a lab grade heat plate...and have a more versatile setup? No stealth issues at my place.
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I'm starting with 750ml of Everclear. I don't want to dissolve and add more later because it costs me 90 dollars a bottle. The kief comes from my trim anyways, so I'm not wasting my good flower. To be honest, it's all just bonus at this stage. My main concern was just that eventually I'll put the kief into the solution that I have and it won't dissolve....which would be a waste. But if you're saying that won't happen then I'll just keep adding more until it's potent enough. At that point I'll make another 750ml from a fresh bottle...

The liquid goes through a coffee filter so it's not thick at all. Will it eventually get thicker?? If so, should I start straining it through a filter with a higher micron size?
90 dollars a bottle.. WTF?!! Where are you located. I can send you some for half that and am totally willing to do so
Hello cannabineer,

I decarb the kief before adding the everclear.

I have read that the kief only needs to sit in the everclear for a few minutes as the alcohol will dissolve the trichome walls almost instantly. I've also read that it needs to sit in the alcohol for months. What are your thoughts on the timeline?

One issue is that the alcohol extract won’t be decarbed. Only good way is to cook off the alcohol and allow the extract some time at 110 degrees C.
~edit~ I remove all solvents (heat, then heat and vacuum) then decarb the lot t 110 degrees C/ 10 minutes. Then I can redissolve to a chosen weight/volume of diluent and have a guaranteed active and fairly potency-predictable oral-dosing solution.
Hello cannabineer,

I decarb the kief before adding the everclear.

I have read that the kief only needs to sit in the everclear for a few minutes as the alcohol will dissolve the trichome walls almost instantly. I've also read that it needs to sit in the alcohol for months. What are your thoughts on the timeline?
Once you’ve decarbed, your extract is good to go. I see no benefit in aging it.

What I was curious about wasn't aging it. I'm making an oil and was curious how long to let the kief sit in the everclear before straining it. Does it need to sit for a while, or would a half hour or so do the trick?

Once you’ve decarbed, your extract is good to go. I see no benefit in aging it.

What I was curious about wasn't aging it. I'm making an oil and was curious how long to let the kief sit in the everclear before straining it. Does it need to sit for a while, or would a half hour or so do the trick?
That part should take like a minute. I’d go ten. Don’t forget to reserve a rinse of alcohol for the trichome hulls. They look so cool, like tiny rice hulls.
I'm honestly curious, why are you guys even doing this? Why not just smoke the kief or better yet, make a ball of hash? Just seems like an unnecessary hassle and waste of a little $$. Not judging, just wondering why?
Wow this'd be a late reply, which you probably have received already to your question.
But i'm working on tincture myself, and eventually hope to learn enough here to be able
to make an extract. Anyhow, it's a good question. And yup, a REAL hassle, and waste of
$$, you're def right. Here are two reasons why we want to extract tincture:
1. My wife has bad lungs, smoking makes her cough badly. Heck, half the time smoke
makes me cough too.
2. there is a possibility that some neighbors might be inclined to judge cannabis users either
as drug addicts, or as people from whose homes they might steal cannabis.
Those are my reasons, at any rate. Also, we smoke cigs, but only outside. So we do the same with
cannabis, only doing it outside, so as not to smell up our house. I love smoking a nice J, don't
get me wrong, but do not feel free enough do do that, although that's what we're doing until
I learn how to decarb without odor and make the extract without odor, due to the drug addict
stigma associated with cannabis use. RIU is providing a great source of help and learning on
this topic.
I'm honestly curious, why are you guys even doing this? Why not just smoke the kief or better yet, make a ball of hash? Just seems like an unnecessary hassle and waste of a little $$. Not judging, just wondering why?
I learn how to decarb without odor and make the extract without odor,

How are you doing your decarb? You can decarb in a mason jar or can buy SS cans that stay sealed thru the whole process so there is no odour at all. I do all my extraction on the pot, recover the solvent then decarb the oil which drives any remaining solvent and has very little odour. Burn a piece of bread in the toaster to mask pot odours.

If I'm cooking off solvent I'll rig up something to hold a hotplate with a beaker up close to the exhaust fan over the stove and get no smell of it in the house. I have stills so rarely waste ISO or other solvents by evaporating them in the open.

Thanks for the reply. bongsmilie

Okay, i've decarbed one time in my life. It was a one gram, store-bought nug
which I put inside a small, half pint mason jar, then put that inside a zip loc
freezer bag, which i then immersed into a pot of water for about 90 mins at
about 200 degrees F. Afterwards, I let it cool completely to room temp, opened
the bag outside and if i remember there was no smell at all. I then removed the
mason jar, opened the lid to see a nicely brownish-green nug, and then of course,
i could smell it. There was no smell in the house what so ever. I mention the color
of the nug to emphasize that it had at least the appearance of decarb, due to
slight change to brownish green. I then put that inside a smaller jar from some
old bud that i had, added one oz. of 190 proof, 95%, everclear which had been
keeping inside the freezer for 2 hours, shook it well. Shook it every day for about
3 days, then tried a full dropper of it. Burned the living shit outta the underneath
of my tongue, but I toughed it out for 60 seconds, and swallowed. Then, wait for it...
...nothing. :sigh: So, I dunno. I should've kept a log, or if I did, i don't know where it is.

The above process is preferred by me, due to complete lack of the sweet smell of
cannabis. However, maybe it's not going to work, i friggin' dunno! I bought this
machine called the 420 Activator. I never used it, because I knew it'd smell. I cannot
have even the faintest of smells in the house. So, it's gotta work. I know the fadedog
said to decarb, i think at 230°F for 30 minutes (if i remember right) to get what if i
remember 70% decarb, which i know he said is the optimum for THC content, and
if it goes longer than that he said it loses THC and begins to make CBD and/or CBN.
It should work. The nug turned the right color, from web pix i've seen time and time
again. So even submersed, in a glass jar, in a plastic bag, 200°F is 200°F, and things cook,
or even bake, even tho submerged under water. It didn't contact any water at all. It
looked decarbed, and I think it was. I suspect that i missed something in the extraction
process. As soon as my abstention period is past (about December or before), I'll give
another shot at tasting my extract, which has been in the bud jar, in the freezer since
i performed this process last Februrary, I believe. Also, Mr. Fadedog, also suggested
that I could cool off the heat of that alcohol content by evaporating off maybe 50%
of it or so. So I will try that in the coming month or so.

Thanks again for the reply. I will also PM you at some time in the near future. KOKO
(keep on keeping on) brother. God bless ya. :wall:
There's your problem. Improper decarbing so you aren't activating much THC and it can't get you high.

250F for 45 min if I do it in the oven but when decarbing the concentrate by heating it I keep it at 250 until the fine bubbles stop showing. If I want it to be a bit more sleepytime then I'll add 10-20min. Same thing if I'm cooking 'fresh off the plant' buds in a pot of coconut oil. Cook it for while under 212F then raise it just over that to get the water in the pot to boil off. Once I'm sure all the water is gone then raise temp to 250 and keep it there until bubbles stop.

When I make a 10:1 batch of good THC pot in coconut oil 1tsp would get me pretty wasted but now that I take RSO every day it would take 2 or 3 I bet.

I just did a QWISO wash on 155g of some CBD 'Hemp' I grew outside. Tiny little plants and that's the total of 7 of them. :) I'm letting all the fine sediment settle to the bottom edge of a 1gal jug so I can decant it into another container tomorrow leaving the sludge behind. Takes forever to filter that stuff without vacuum filtration where if you let it sit for 24 hours it will be crystal clear. One smooth pour so it take a steady hand which luckily I still have.

All the soaked pot is now in my 12L SS still so I can heat that up and see how much of the ISO I can recover from that soggy mess. The wash will go into my 4L countertop still and get almost all teh ISO back from there. Then I need to salt out the ISO to de-water it and run it through my 2L lab still with a fractionating column on it to get it clean and back to around 97%. Got lots of pot to process so think I'll see what happens if I buy 10 - 2L boxes of NF grade ISO at Costco when we get out there in a couple of weeks. Were $12 each 6 months ago when I bought a couple.

Yep, i had no idea, ... er, well, honestly, i think i'd read a couple articles back in Feb
that said do it at like 208° or 210° or was it 212° for like 90 mins. Then, heck, last
week, i'm reading graywolf, and/or fadedog, i think both places, he says do it for
30 mins at 230° for max THC. I got it somewhere here...wait a hour later...
I think I found it. Here, read this:
Shorter and faster is better, because the same heat that is decarboxylating is also converting THC to CBN, et al.
I use 121C/250F and watch the bubbles to tell when it's done, approximately 30 minutes.
10.1 Decarboxylation
Also, he says this:
Note that the total THC for each curve peaks and then starts down again. That occurs at approximately 70% decarboxylation, where it was previously ASSumed that after 70% the rate that remaining THCa converting to THC was slower than the rate that existing THC was converted to CBN. Lower THC and higher CBN makes the medication more sedative.

Enter the Swiss Institute of Legal Medicine study, as well as the European Industrial Hemp Association paper on Decarboxylation of Tetrahydrocannabinolic acid (THCA) to active THC, and that perception was changed. What it shows is that about 70% is the maximum yield, because THC is also being converted to CBN at the same time.

The reason for the plunge in THC level after 70%, is that around 30% THC has be degraded reaching that peak, and further processing continues to degrade existing THC to byproducts eventually leading to CBN.
So, you cook it for 45 minutes and thus convert to more CBD/CBN. I kinda
know what CBD is, but not CBN and there are a couple others too, if i recall. Anyhow
what you're going for is more of a medical, sedative effect than the euphoric high
from THC, right?

Something doesn't seem clear about decarbing, tho. You talk of temp of 250F, "until the
bubbles (of C02) stop", but I can't see the bubbles, because my product is raw bud.
And it's submerged under water, inside a mason jar, inside a bag,. No bubbles for me
to monitor. I have to decarb it that way to control the smell. I am obsessed about the
smell. It's part of why i'm trying to make a tincture in the first place, to eliminate the smell.
The main part of course, is my wife's coughing from smoking it.

Dude, all this stuff is too much for my pea-size brain. I've been just reading about
doing this stuff for over 5 years, actively. I have tried to do one decarb, and two extracts:
one extract of the decarb, and one extract of a syringe of RSO, both of which failed.

I see you do the QWISO, using isopropyl, but i kind of want to not use iso and instead
use ethanol in a QWET process. I just think food grade alcohol might be safer than iso is.
And then there's that process where you use iso for first wash, and then a second or even
third with ethanol to clear out the iso. I just can't do all that stuff. I wouldn't mind a bit
buying all the equipment, setting up some kind of kitchen corner lab, with vacuum pumps,
exraction units, etc., but again, it's the SMELLLLLLLLLLLL, i am trying to avoid.

Then another thing you said was you have to pour off the settled mix out of the gallon
container, and it occurred to me you could siphon it out of there. Just a thought, doubtful
that i'd do it, unless i was too shaky to handle the container, which as you say, thankfully,
that you're not. So i'd pour too, so as not to leave anything in a siphon hose.

Then what else did we have, well, this is as much fun as I've had in a long time
on the interwebs. I was into a computing chatroom on AOL way back in '99 and early '00s,
and that was really a lot of fun, everybody helping with computing and the WWW just
like here with everybody helping with cannabis. It's been that long since I've had this much
fun online, i must say. Thanks. :bigjoint:
I bought a gram of this kief as follows:

High End Farms
Diamond Dust Dry Sift Kief
Total Cannabinoids: 67.4%
Total Decarb THC 58.8%
THCA: 64.2%
CBDA: 0%
CBD: 0%
THC: 2.5%

I'm at a loss about those numbers, and the "Total Decarb THC 58.8%". Does that
mean I do not have to decarb it to extract it using QWET? And those numbers
seem to contradict, so can anybody make heads or tails of it, and does it need
decarb or not? What does that mean, "Total Decarb THC 58.8%"?