Yep, i had no idea, ... er, well, honestly, i think i'd read a couple articles back in Feb
that said do it at like 208° or 210° or was it 212° for like 90 mins. Then, heck, last
week, i'm reading graywolf, and/or fadedog, i think both places, he says do it for
30 mins at 230° for max THC. I got it somewhere here...wait a hour later...
I think I found it. Here, read this:
Shorter and faster is better, because the same heat that is decarboxylating is also converting THC to CBN, et al.
I use 121C/250F and watch the bubbles to tell when it's done, approximately 30 minutes.
10.1 Decarboxylation
Also, he says this:
Note that the total THC for each curve peaks and then starts down again. That occurs at approximately 70% decarboxylation, where it was previously ASSumed that after 70% the rate that remaining THCa converting to THC was slower than the rate that existing THC was converted to CBN. Lower THC and higher CBN makes the medication more sedative.
Enter the Swiss Institute of Legal Medicine study, as well as the European Industrial Hemp Association paper on Decarboxylation of Tetrahydrocannabinolic acid (THCA) to active THC, and that perception was changed. What it shows is that about 70% is the maximum yield, because THC is also being converted to CBN at the same time.
The reason for the plunge in THC level after 70%, is that around 30% THC has be degraded reaching that peak, and further processing continues to degrade existing THC to byproducts eventually leading to CBN.
So, you cook it for 45 minutes and thus convert to more CBD/CBN. I kinda
know what CBD is, but not CBN and there are a couple others too, if i recall. Anyhow
what you're going for is more of a medical, sedative effect than the euphoric high
from THC, right?
Something doesn't seem clear about decarbing, tho. You talk of temp of 250F, "until the
bubbles (of C02) stop", but I can't see the bubbles, because my product is raw bud.
And it's submerged under water, inside a mason jar, inside a bag,. No bubbles for me
to monitor. I have to decarb it that way to control the smell. I am obsessed about the
smell. It's part of why i'm trying to make a tincture in the first place, to eliminate the smell.
The main part of course, is my wife's coughing from smoking it.
Dude, all this stuff is too much for my pea-size brain. I've been just reading about
doing this stuff for over 5 years, actively. I have tried to do one decarb, and two extracts:
one extract of the decarb, and one extract of a syringe of RSO, both of which failed.
I see you do the QWISO, using isopropyl, but i kind of want to not use iso and instead
use ethanol in a QWET process. I just think food grade alcohol might be safer than iso is.
And then there's that process where you use iso for first wash, and then a second or even
third with ethanol to clear out the iso. I just can't do all that stuff. I wouldn't mind a bit
buying all the equipment, setting up some kind of kitchen corner lab, with vacuum pumps,
exraction units, etc., but again, it's the SMELLLLLLLLLLLL, i am trying to avoid.
Then another thing you said was you have to pour off the settled mix out of the gallon
container, and it occurred to me you could siphon it out of there. Just a thought, doubtful
that i'd do it, unless i was too shaky to handle the container, which as you say, thankfully,
that you're not. So i'd pour too, so as not to leave anything in a siphon hose.
Then what else did we have, well, this is as much fun as I've had in a long time
on the interwebs. I was into a computing chatroom on AOL way back in '99 and early '00s,
and that was really a lot of fun, everybody helping with computing and the WWW just
like here with everybody helping with cannabis. It's been that long since I've had this much
fun online, i must say. Thanks.