Maximizing Grow Space/Yield


Well-Known Member
I was under the impression trees was just another word colloquially used for cannabis. Technically speaking none of your plants are trees either.
Carry on then.

(And i did indeed refer to mine as "shrubs") ;)


Well-Known Member
Plus the pot height so another 12" say. Height is my enemy and I have a 7' ceiling but I grow in totes that are 20" high :(. Also my lights have to be appr. 12" down from ceiling with hoods and brackets. For me it comes down to the wire almost every grow :(.
Im in the same boat height wise.
So i figure the solution to this prob (in a small space, also) is to scrog. The problem with that is how to work the back part of the tent without belly crawling under the canopy?

I have thought up a solution. I am going to put my plants on two 4' turntables (my gf calls them "lazy Susans") in my 5x9 space. I cant wait to set it up for the next run and take pictures.


Well-Known Member
measure your plant from the dirt or medium to top of plant,,can not count the pot,,,,for indica ,,plant,,,say you had a 12 inch plant when you start to flower him,,,you would take that 12 height and times it buy 1.5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,so 12 x 1.5= 18 inches tall when done flowering,,,,,if the plant was 2 foot tall when you start to flower would be 24 x 1.5 = 36 inches when finished,,,,,, you will find this math will tell you very close to where your plant will finish,,,if you are growing sativa it grows tall even after it has started to flower,,for sativa if you start to flower at 24 inches it would be 24 x 2.5 = 60 inches so it would be a 5 footer or some where close when done,,,Hybrids will be same way,,,, 24 x 2 = 48 inches when done flowering ,,as a grower it will help you set the boundary's or keep them out of your lights nothing worse then coming up towards the end and not having the room for the plants to stay in the room or space,,,this works better then saying one is so many days old as plants develope at different rates so two of the same plants same strain can have a marked difference in how they grow but the size will remain the same,,,,,,,such as if you know your plants need to be 30 inches before you start to flower you know when they are all ready,,and as for training you can top a few of the tall ones to allow for the others to catch up so your grow stays uniform and same size


Well-Known Member
I made my own tent for starting baby's ,,it is 5 foot long 24 inches wide,,,,, is on wheels and I find it very helpful that booth my tent and my room I made the lights adjustable,,I can lower or raise the lights,,helps booth for better growth ,,,and for the ability to go in and water and move plants around turn them and what not,,,in between watering I use a spray bottle mister ,,I spray the hell out of them with water,,,A plant can uptake water 3 different was,,,,roots,,stem and leaves, now you do not want to over water roots,,,but you can drench them things with a spray bottle 2-3 times a day and never hurt them a bit they will only take what they can threw stem and leaf,,,,,you can even mix nutrient very weak and use in a spray bottle I use 1/4 strength or less when I have sprayed the leaves with nutrients ,,,,,,


Well-Known Member
In my grow room I have my lights hung from pulley's,,,I have boat cleet's mounted on the wall and it allows me to drop the lighting down to optimum height for plants ,,it helps keep plants from growing tall to fast as they will generally only take big upward or vertical growth when I raise the lighting it allows me to develop all the plants in the best lighting condition