Maxi Grow and MaxiBloom?


Well-Known Member
I was wanting to ask if anyone is using Grow. What color does the stuff mix up to with grow & bloom :lol: :?:? Is the Nitrogen too hot in the Grow itself to use just Grow in veg which is why you use 50/50 Grow/Bloom into stretch?
I'm not sure what color it makes, I'll pay attention next time. The Grow isn't too hot, you could use it solo through stretch if you want, I just like to start plants on a slightly higher P right away in 12/12. Maxibloom has more P than I'd like, and a little less N than I'd like, so mixing them made sense to me.


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure what color it makes, I'll pay attention next time. The Grow isn't too hot, you could use it solo through stretch if you want, I just like to start plants on a slightly higher P right away in 12/12. Maxibloom has more P than I'd like, and a little less N than I'd like, so mixing them made sense to me.
Possible to maybe do Gro + a few ml of liquid Koolbloom? It's 0/10/10. Something like 5mg Maxigro and 2-3ml Koolbloom?

It's slightly purple, so your color wheel vs. mixing that with Maxibloom will be different slightly. ;)