Maxi Gom


Active Member
from grass-o-matic has anyone grown these do they have a good yield i cant find any journals online for this breed

info say heavy yielder for a autoflower
auto critical mass x auto ak genetics
any info would be helpful


Active Member
damn how sad im replying to my own thread

well i gues ill have to do this growby the seat of my pants and seewhat nutes etc they like

atm i got it under a t5 its only been 3 days since it popped out of the soil also got a auto ak growing at the same time ill post some pics when they get alittle bigger

ill be using 4ft 4tube t5 through out the grow i hadsome good success with lr2 under the t5 got 42g per plant dry so now for something new
Hey zippy, I've just came across this forum through a google search, but you should some type of grow journal for this...theres just nothing out there for Maxi gom, it would be nice to get a good idea of the strain looking forward to seeing your results!


Active Member
well im still around and the grows going well im like 4 weeks from harvest looking to bea good yielder if you need any more info on this drop me a pm or something heres some images of the grow so far bit of time between the pics just to show the progress
maxiGoM1week.jpg110303_105822.jpg110306_103340.jpgP140311_11.200001 - Copy.JPGP140311_11.190001 - Copy.JPG

harry larry

Active Member
My Maxi GOM is doing great too. I would say she is 5.5 weeks out and she has nodes like crazy and looks to be a heavy yeilder. Could you comment on your feeding schedule? Does she burn easy? Is she a hungry plant? What soil did you use?


Active Member
i only use baby bio in veg first 2 weeks and use tomorite for the rest oh and i used pk13/14 first time ever used only half strength though i feed nutes every other watering
the soil i used was new horizons organic with 50% perlite never again though good drainage but washed alot of nutes out of the soil after 7 weeks
i feed her around 2 to 2 1/2 litres every other day

she doesnt seem to burn easy


Active Member
ok just a quick update i took the maxi down sunday P100411_21.200001.JPGP100411_21.180002.JPGP100411_21.180001.JPGmaxiGoMmain.JPG
heres some pics the cans 500ml each and are just for size reference and wieghts are wet ill update with dry wieghts of the Maxi GoM when its done


Active Member
no feedback on this oh well im going to give it a few weeks and im going to put another maxi in my greenhouse hopefully itll do even better outside


hi could you tell me how tall the maxi gom got as i am planing on growing maxi but i dont have a very big grow tent