Max temp for growing?

I am growing inside a box and I have some heat problems. Right now the temp in the box is in the high 80s. I am going to use 2 computer fans for intake and extake so I should get some circulation. i was just wondering what the hottest temperture anyone has successfully grown at?


Well-Known Member
though ideal temp is 76ish, you will have a successful grow at the high 80s as long as you have air ciruculating in there. good luck!


Well-Known Member
I have read from very good sources that all growth stops at 90 degrees, barring the use of co2. You should really get your temps down to no more than 85, with 80 being optimal temp when the light is on.


Well-Known Member
I did wonder what too much heat would do... my plants still seem to be growing... I'll keep watch on this.


Well-Known Member
I did wonder what too much heat would do... my plants still seem to be growing...
So did mine, but this was because my box only reached 90 degrees for 2-3 hours per day, tops. Now that I only run my light for 12 hours my temps are right where they should be, and you know what? Growth has increased significanlty.


I live in Australia. And in summer our highest recorded temp was 111 degrees Fahrenheit. But usually during summer it's an approx of 90-95. Does this mean I'm stuffed for outdoor growing? Coz that's my only option


Active Member
I live in Australia. And in summer our highest recorded temp was 111 degrees Fahrenheit. But usually during summer it's an approx of 90-95. Does this mean I'm stuffed for outdoor growing? Coz that's my only option
No outdoor your fine. you can run temps in the nineties with the proper circulation but it is not ideal. So outside because circulation is ultimately better the plant will survive a higher temp. Just be sure to compensate for the temp in your watering schedule. I would reccomend jorge cervante's guerilla growing guide. You can get it off amazon for 10 bucks or so and it has a lot of great tips for outdoor. I learned more from that book than i did from his medical marijuana growing bible. goodluck!


No outdoor your fine. you can run temps in the nineties with the proper circulation but it is not ideal. So outside because circulation is ultimately better the plant will survive a higher temp. Just be sure to compensate for the temp in your watering schedule. I would reccomend jorge cervante's guerilla growing guide. You can get it off amazon for 10 bucks or so and it has a lot of great tips for outdoor. I learned more from that book than i did from his medical marijuana growing bible. goodluck!

Ok cool, i just ordered one off of ebay. thanks man :)