Max day cycle temp 88*.. How can I drop some?


Active Member
Hey everybody just getting my 4x4x8 tent up and running here's what I got:

4x4x8 tent
1000hps, cool chewb with bat wings basically
6" fan
20" carbon scrubber
Osc fans
swamp cooler (ice if I want, mainly just used for its humidifying capabilities)

Here's how I have the tent vented:

scrubber > 6" inline > 1000hps cooltube > outside garage vent

Intake: Passive - (Night = day cycle)

Outside garage (max MAX temps 70* in the shade where intake is pulling) > tent

so far my max temps are 88* during the beginning of the day cycle (about 8pm)

What could I do to get down around 78-80 range? Different HVAC routing? Thanks in advance for any help! Gonna start my journal pretty soon :D


Well-Known Member
what fan

a real exhust fan one of those big things u hang .....or a inline fan

as for intake u need to get atleast a inline (they are 80 cfm) just above the 5 min for your tent


Active Member
Yeah it's a 6" inline fan. Pretty sure it's around 250-350cfm

you think putting another 6" inline fan on the intake would do the trick?


Well-Known Member
just making sure one of these
inline fan.JPG

if that is the one u only need a inline booster those are 80 cfm and should do the job........i have a 4x4x6.8 tent and using just 2 of the boosters and it is doing fine for me .....but i got t5