Mau5 X kit layout discussion


Active Member
Hey guys so if someone were to setup a mau5 X kit in 5 rows of 4 cxb3590 is it going to be a pita to wire those in series? At first thought I cant figure how one could successfully wire these in series when part of the cobs will be on another bar. I guess one way would be to use separate drivers for each bar. What do you guys think?
id do 4 rows of 5 same spread but easier


you still have the same placement of cobs just your frame is dif
Hey guys so if someone were to setup a mau5 X kit in 5 rows of 4 cxb3590 is it going to be a pita to wire those in series? At first thought I cant figure how one could successfully wire these in series when part of the cobs will be on another bar. I guess one way would be to use separate drivers for each bar. What do you guys think?
Every kit has it's driver so yeah, each bar has one driver.
Yeah but I was just thinking if it is worth trying to get 5 rows of 4 cobs with only the 4 drivers if using two mau5 X kits. I think the wiring would be overly complicated.
Yeah but I was just thinking if it is worth trying to get 5 rows of 4 cobs with only the 4 drivers if using two mau5 X kits. I think the wiring would be overly complicated.
Then just make your frames with 10 cobs each so you dont have to have a wire jump from fixture to fixture?
I thought weedwhackers layout was good but i assume you had 1 driver per 5 cobs.
Then just make your frames with 10 cobs each so you dont have to have a wire jump from fixture to fixture?
I thought weedwhackers layout was good but i assume you had 1 driver per 5 cobs.
That kit is configured that way but I just feel like 5 side by side isnt as good but heck I guess we will see. Cant wait to get a build going! I am gonna create a 3'x4' canopy for this setup
So it does have 1 driver per 5 cobs then? If so just make 4 sets of bars with 5 cobs on each one or connect 2 bars and you will have plenty of room to mount your drivers to the frame on both ends.but damn bro,20 cobs @ 1400ma over a 3 x 4 is almost overkill lol.assuming those kits are still using 1400ma drivers.
So it does have 1 driver per 5 cobs then? If so just make 4 sets each one or connect 2 bars and you will have plenty of room to mount your drivers to the frame on both ends.but damn bro,20 cobs @ 1400ma over a 3 x 4 is almost overkill lol.assuming those kits are still using 1400ma drivers.

They are gonna be 1400ma but hell i was thinking of just going with 10 per 3x4. And yeah I think I may configure it like that.
Not really. just run wiring from one bar to another bar. if you are using pairui drivers, 250w, they run five cob's per driver. if you rare using meanwell drivers you get four cob's to a driver. think outside of th box, get drivers from cutter at 250w or @REALSTYLES . Hit these4 guys up for the drivers, you want and have fun. peace.
They are gonna be 1400ma but hell i was thinking of just going with 10 per 3x4. And yeah I think I may configure it like that.
ok that makes more sense. you werent very clear on where these were going,10 cob over 3 x 4 should do a good job

thats how i would make the panels for the 3 x 4 space. just 4 cobs on each edge with 2 more spaced in between down the center.
Has anyone made the 10 cob layout like this?


I was wondering if anyone has tried this layout for a 4x4 tent. This is the layout I'm going to be using and wanted to see if anyone had any luck with it. I'm going to put 2, 300 watt 5 cob kits together.