Matt Gaetz

So some dude on MSNBC said to just check out these pages on the plea deal:
So it basically says what you think. This sick and twisted fuck broke federal laws and used a state database to find personal info of a minor after raping a minor. No such thing as consent when you're under 18! After he realized he was fucked, he asked the minor to lie and coordinate stories. When that didn't work, he signed this statement and agreed that he IS FEDERALLY fucked!

Batter up, Gaetz...
So it basically says what you think. This sick and twisted fuck broke federal laws and used a state database to find personal info of a minor after raping a minor. No such thing as consent when you're under 18! After he realized he was fucked, he asked the minor to lie and coordinate stories. When that didn't work, he signed this statement and agreed that he IS FEDERALLY fucked!

Batter up, Gaetz...
Greenberg Pleads Guilty: We'll Soon Learn Identity of his Co-conspirators, Beyond Just Matt Gaetz

Matt Gaetz criminal bestie Joel Greenberg pleaded guilty in Federal court in Florida today. One of the lesser discussed charges to which he pleaded guilty is "conspiracy to commit an offense against the United States." This is an ominous charge. Though the plea agreement does not disclose what crime against the US Geernberg conspired to commit or who his co-conspirator are, today's plea is the first of what will be a series of dominos that will begin falling. Given Greenberg's cooperation with prosecutors, indictment of others can't be far off.
New name emerges in Gaetz investigation
Joe Ellicott, the associate of Joel Greenberg, was included in a federal grand jury subpoena sent to a different individual that was obtained by Politico.

The subpoena also lists Gaetz and Greenberg, the former Seminole County tax collector who this week pleaded guilty to six federal crimes on Monday, including sex trafficking of a minor.

The subpoena, which was issued on Dec. 28, says the grand jury is investigating alleged crimes “involving commercial sex acts with adult and minor women, as well as obstruction of justice.” It is looking to obtain any communications, documents, recordings and payments the subpoena’s recipient had with Ellicott, Gaetz and Greenberg since the start of 2016.

Two sources familiar with the inquiry told Politico that Ellicot is also being investigated over allegations he engaged in sex trafficking with a minor.

Another witness to Gaetz paying for sex?
Matt Gaetz's ex-girlfriend to cooperate with federal authorities in sex trafficking investigation
Federal authorities investigating alleged sex trafficking by GOP Rep. Matt Gaetz have secured the cooperation of the congressman's ex-girlfriend, according to people familiar with the matter.
The woman, a former Capitol Hill staffer, is seen as a critical witness, as she has been linked to Gaetz as far back as the summer of 2017, a period of time that has emerged as a key window of scrutiny for investigators. She can also help investigators understand the relevance of hundreds of transactions they have obtained records of, including those involving alleged payments for sex, the sources said.
News of the woman's willingness to talk, which has not been previously reported, comes just days after the Justice Department formally entered into a plea agreement with Joel Greenberg, a one-time close friend of Gaetz whose entanglement with young women first drew the congressman onto investigators' radar.

Like an ex-girlfriend would not be pissed finding out numb-nuts was shagging questionable women along with other men?
Just indict the stupid fuck, add charges or amend the indictment later. I wanna see if he resigns his congressional seat or keeps it while in prison. His racist district of civil war holdovers will put another corrupt asshole just like him in congress to replace him. They know that they need a psycho for the job and whoever gets the nomination in his district will be one, or act like one.
Federal prosecutors looking into whether Gaetz obstructed justice - POLITICO

Federal prosecutors looking into whether Gaetz obstructed justice
The probe is the latest development in the ongoing investigation into the congressman.

MIAMI — Federal prosecutors are examining whether Rep. Matt Gaetz obstructed justice during a phone call he had with a witness in the sex-crimes investigation of the Florida congressman, according to two sources familiar with the case.

The witness in question was one of a handful of women who entered Gaetz’s orbit via his one-time “wingman,” former Seminole County, Fla., tax collector Joel Greenberg, who pleaded guilty last month to a host of crimes, including sex-trafficking a 17-year-old in 2017.

The obstruction inquiry stems from a phone call the witness had with Gaetz’s ex-girlfriend. At some point during the conversation, the ex-girlfriend patched Gaetz into the call, sources said. While it’s unknown exactly what was said, the discussion on that call is central to whether prosecutors can charge Gaetz with obstructing justice, which makes it illegal to suggest that a witness in a criminal case lie or give misleading testimony.

The witness later spoke with prosecutors, the sources said.

Gaetz has denied all wrongdoing, including obstructing justice or having sex with the trafficked 17-year-old, who was a friend of both Gaetz’s ex-girlfriend and the witness prosecutors interviewed.

The obstruction probe is the latest development in the ongoing federal investigation into Gaetz, a top ally of former President Donald Trump who has come under increasing scrutiny due to his relationship with Greenberg — now a cooperating witness. The obstruction inquiry signals how wide a net federal prosecutors are casting to possibly ensnare the congressman.
Three pages back. Oh how Matt has fallen.

Gaetz, under investigative cloud, questions FBI director
Gaetz came face to face with FBI Director Christopher Wray as the latter appeared before lawmakers on the House Judiciary Committee.

The rare scene comes as Gaetz faces an investigation into possible sex crimes and obstruction of justice. A friend of Gaetz's, Joel Greenberg, has plead guilty to sex trafficking a 17-year-old. Gaetz has denied all wrongdoing.

Gaetz used the opportunity with Wray to ask about the FBI’s role in investigating the origins of the coronavirus.

“I'm not sure that there's much I can say about any specific investigation,” Wray said.

In April, fellow committee member Rep. Ted Lieu (D-Calif.) argued Gaetz should be removed from the committee because it has oversight over the FBI, calling it an “untenable conflict of interest.”
Three pages back. Oh how Matt has fallen.

Gaetz, under investigative cloud, questions FBI director
Gaetz came face to face with FBI Director Christopher Wray as the latter appeared before lawmakers on the House Judiciary Committee.

The rare scene comes as Gaetz faces an investigation into possible sex crimes and obstruction of justice. A friend of Gaetz's, Joel Greenberg, has plead guilty to sex trafficking a 17-year-old. Gaetz has denied all wrongdoing.

Gaetz used the opportunity with Wray to ask about the FBI’s role in investigating the origins of the coronavirus.

“I'm not sure that there's much I can say about any specific investigation,” Wray said.

In April, fellow committee member Rep. Ted Lieu (D-Calif.) argued Gaetz should be removed from the committee because it has oversight over the FBI, calling it an “untenable conflict of interest.”

but he sounded so smart hot and sexsay and on message.
Sex Crime Probe Bombshell: Gaetz Could Be Charged In July As Witnesses Speak

In a major escalation in the federal sex crimes investigation into Republican Congressman Matt Gaetz, prosecutors may charge Gaetz as soon as July, according to ABC News. NBC News has not independently verified ABC's reporting. A Gaetz spokesperson says this is all part of a "partisan smear job." Gaetz has not been charged with a crime. MSNBC’s Chief Legal Correspondent Ari Melber is joined by attorney Dave Aronberg and columnist Laura Bassett to discuss the latest in the case.