Matt Gaetz

Morning Joe has taken the inevitable turn fully back to the right since there is a Democrat in office.

He was crying in his pearl clutching angry voice about how 'both sides' need to not talk about criminal cases to try them in the press. Complaining about Giuliani and Gaetz, and Comey outing Clinton, etc and how it has been going on since Bush, etc.

We hear about Gaetz banging young girls from Gaetz himself on Tucker.

Giuliani has been spreading propangda for years about what he has been doing trying to muddy the waters of his criminal involvement with a foreign nation to manipulate elections.

Clinton case was talked about by Comey (a Republican) when Giuliani started crowing about information he should not have had in October 2016, and was on a island trying to figure out how to deal with the well laid attack on our democracy that the Russians propagated for Trump, and did what he felt was the least bad option.

I am not saying that Joe is wrong about the investigations should be kept under the radar, but he is wrong to pretend like it is 'both sides' and somehow a scandal when it is the people being investigated that are the ones amplifying the stories into the public.

There is a reason that we did not know about Trump being investigating for working with he Russian military until Comey brought it up in early spring 2017 in a hearing.
Morning Joe has taken the inevitable turn fully back to the right since there is a Democrat in office.

He was crying in his pearl clutching angry voice about how 'both sides' need to not talk about criminal cases to try them in the press. Complaining about Giuliani and Gaetz, and Comey outing Clinton, etc and how it has been going on since Bush, etc.

We hear about Gaetz banging young girls from Gaetz himself on Tucker.

Giuliani has been spreading propangda for years about what he has been doing trying to muddy the waters of his criminal involvement with a foreign nation to manipulate elections.

Clinton case was talked about by Comey (a Republican) when Giuliani started crowing about information he should not have had in October 2016, and was on a island trying to figure out how to deal with the well laid attack on our democracy that the Russians propagated for Trump, and did what he felt was the least bad option.

I am not saying that Joe is wrong about the investigations should be kept under the radar, but he is wrong to pretend like it is 'both sides' and somehow a scandal when it is the people being investigated that are the ones amplifying the stories into the public.

There is a reason that we did not know about Trump being investigating for working with he Russian military until Comey brought it up in early spring 2017 in a hearing.
MSNBC is the mirror image of Fox News. Talking heads selling soap.
MSNBC is the mirror image of Fox News. Talking heads selling soap.
Until they start to push Russian propangda and pretend like it is not while hiring people who will not say anything negative about whatever Dear Leader they choose, I will disagree about them being a mirror image of Fox.

But I do agree that it is mostly just noise.
Until they start to push Russian propangda and pretend like it is not while hiring people who will not say anything negative about whatever Dear Leader they choose, I will disagree about them being a mirror image of Fox.

But I do agree that it is mostly just noise.
They used to be a real news channel. When they saw the profit Fox was making, they threw all that out the window, going all opinion all the time. While not earning the same amount as Fox, they are a cash cow for NBC.
They used to be a real news channel. When they saw the profit Fox was making, they threw all that out the window, going all opinion all the time. While not earning the same amount as Fox, they are a cash cow for NBC.
I can see them being a cash cow click bait channel, but that doesn't mean that they are not far more reliable than Fox at giving the entirety of the stories they cover.

They are not AP news, and I would always double check stories with AP, but they don't strait up manufacture news (unless you count the very real issues of when they would have Trump administration party line statements broadcast, but I don't think they could do much about that since he was the POTUS.

I haven't seen them flat out lie either.

So not fox by a mile, no AP news, but I think it is a lot harder to be that thorough when they have talking heads come on giving their opinions on what stuff means, that is when I tune them out.

But for just straight up reporting national newsworthy events I think they do a very good job in the 24/365 new news cycle.
I can see them being a cash cow click bait channel, but that doesn't mean that they are not far more reliable than Fox at giving the entirety of the stories they cover.

They are not AP news, and I would always double check stories with AP, but they don't strait up manufacture news (unless you count the very real issues of when they would have Trump administration party line statements broadcast, but I don't think they could do much about that since he was the POTUS.

I haven't seen them flat out lie either.

So not fox by a mile, no AP news, but I think it is a lot harder to be that thorough when they have talking heads come on giving their opinions on what stuff means, that is when I tune them out.

But for just straight up reporting national newsworthy events I think they do a very good job in the 24/365 new news cycle.
Or you could just. . . .

I love some PBS newshour, but I do listen to the TV news stations so that I can get a understanding about how the Republicans are trying to own the narratives.

Like this last week. They totally buried everything going on with the 'racism isn't real' troll.

And it worked. The only time they brought up Biden and his speech was to push the 'too expensive nonsense' and then devolved into talking about how racism is real for the rest of their time.

I was cutting back on my information intake with our politics, but the trolls are still spamming their bullshit narratives, and I feel bad not doing my own stupid part pushing back on it.

I would love to just kick back and maybe scroll AP news here and there. But I just am serious when I say I do it so when it comes up in real life I am not caught off guard.
All these "former" Republicans on MSNBC were fine while Individual 1 was in office, but I, and a lot of others, said at the time "these are still damned Republicans." I stopped watching Scarborough, not even so much for his transparency as that of a staunch Republican, as his damn rule of the show and his delivery. Faux stuttering, (uh, uh, uh, uh), searching for words, and pointlessly interrupting others, just because his name is in the show title. Sadly, the network is full of them. I like Nicolle Wallace, but I still keep in mind, "she's just a damned Republican." It's the same with those behind The Lincoln Project, still just damned Republicans.
I love some PBS newshour, but I do listen to the TV news stations so that I can get a understanding about how the Republicans are trying to own the narratives.

Like this last week. They totally buried everything going on with the 'racism isn't real' troll.

And it worked. The only time they brought up Biden and his speech was to push the 'too expensive nonsense' and then devolved into talking about how racism is real for the rest of their time.

I was cutting back on my information intake with our politics, but the trolls are still spamming their bullshit narratives, and I feel bad not doing my own stupid part pushing back on it.

I would love to just kick back and maybe scroll AP news here and there. But I just am serious when I say I do it so when it comes up in real life I am not caught off guard.
I had a bad news channel habit. I watched way too much Fox and MSNBC in the Bush years. I gave up all news when Obama got elected. Too much stupidity for me. Started back when Trumpf got elected. PBS, ABC evening news, Washington Week and three of the Sunday Yakity yak shows. I've cut back to Newshour, WW and Meet the Press. Still too much time invested.
MSNBC is the mirror image of Fox News. Talking heads selling soap.
Nope, fox is selling disinformation and the editorial narrative on MSNBC is consistent with other credible sources that use journalistic standards and practices. Their shows have the reporters from the NYT, the WP and other credible sources as guests every day of the week, giving in depth professional reporting. Both sides are the same is not true in this case, one reports reality and the other spins it or tries to make it up. Foxnews should be removed from cable, just on their pandemic coverage alone, they are a public health menace and promote social division for profit and the personal power of Rupert Murdoch. In the USA broadcasters are not suppose to be the propaganda arms of political parties, but serve the public interest, Fox broke this practice and tradition long ago and was allowed to get away with it.

Both sides are not the same, it took MSNBC a long time to react to what Trump Foxnews was doing, the same for CNN. Journalism is more than reporting both sides of a story, it also has a commitment to the truth. The truth is a fundamental human right, lies kill people, Trump proved it and fox enabled it.
Saying foxnews is the other side of the coin to MSNBC and CNN, is like saying there's no difference between the democrats and republicans and no light nor air between Trump and Biden. It's the same kind of thing and a perfectly valid comparison. The narrative on PBS is the same one that's on MSNBC, CNN, CBS, ABC, the BBC and the CBC and CTV in Canada. It's the same narrative and facts in the credible newspapers and magazines.

The narratives that differ are Foxnews, OAN and Newsmax and they are chasing a crazy viewership who watches the news that makes them feel good. Fox lost lots of viewers to OAN and Newsmax when it made the mistake of calling Arizona for Biden early. They among others helped to perpetuate the big lie and the results are in the hundreds of election laws the red states are passing. They also helped create the January 6th insurrection, they all have blood on thier hands.
All these "former" Republicans on MSNBC were fine while Individual 1 was in office, but I, and a lot of others, said at the time "these are still damned Republicans." I stopped watching Scarborough, not even so much for his transparency as that of a staunch Republican, as his damn rule of the show and his delivery. Faux stuttering, (uh, uh, uh, uh), searching for words, and pointlessly interrupting others, just because his name is in the show title.
Yeah Joe is unwatchable. I like the others on it generally though, and they have good guests. But yeah the best shows are the one he is not on it. Maybe he could be on once a week or so, or maybe for 15 minutes to rant.

The other day he started up with a rant about wearing masks outside when vaccinated or not. They are pulling the same shit he did against Obama.

Donny Deutsch especially turned right wing troll the other morning talking about how we are 'ending too much money' and can't afford to spend on our schools. As he is crazy rich from working at daddy's company with his (I am guessing) expensive schools for him and his family that are not falling apart and poisoning the people in those buildings.

Yeah they are nerve racking, it is about as close as I can get to watching Fox news when a Democrat is POTUS.

All these "former" Republicans on MSNBC were fine while Individual 1 was in office, but I, and a lot of others, said at the time "these are still damned Republicans." I stopped watching Scarborough, not even so much for his transparency as that of a staunch Republican, as his damn rule of the show and his delivery. Faux stuttering, (uh, uh, uh, uh), searching for words, and pointlessly interrupting others, just because his name is in the show title. Sadly, the network is full of them. I like Nicolle Wallace, but I still keep in mind, "she's just a damned Republican." It's the same with those behind The Lincoln Project, still just damned Republicans.
I like Hailey Jackson, and Casey whatever, and Tiffany whatever on Sat morning. The bald guy Velchy does a good job too. And I give Maddow a lot more credit than I every really thought I would for the job she does.

But I guess that is why I like MSNBC for background noise, it lets you know what the right wing trolls are going to be in real time.

But you are right, they are full of the recent converts.
Yeah Joe is unwatchable. I like the others on it generally though, and they have good guests. But yeah the best shows are the one he is not on it. Maybe he could be on once a week or so, or maybe for 15 minutes to rant.

The other day he started up with a rant about wearing masks outside when vaccinated or not. They are pulling the same shit he did against Obama.

Donny Deutsch especially turned right wing troll the other morning talking about how we are 'ending too much money' and can't afford to spend on our schools. As he is crazy rich from working at daddy's company with his (I am guessing) expensive schools for him and his family that are not falling apart and poisoning the people in those buildings.

Yeah they are nerve racking, it is about as close as I can get to watching Fox news when a Democrat is POTUS.

I like Hailey Jackson, and Casey whatever, and Tiffany whatever on Sat morning. The bald guy Velchy does a good job too. And I give Maddow a lot more credit than I every really thought I would for the job she does.

But I guess that is why I like MSNBC for background noise, it lets you know what the right wing trolls are going to be in real time.

But you are right, they are full of the recent converts.
Agreed. Hallie Jackson is a favorite. She knows the material and is especially articulate, able to convey her thought fast, without stumbling over words, and being concise. Willie Geist has the demeanor to put up with Scarborough, and so does Mika, though that has to be tough. Deutsch and Michael Steele are both in the "just a Republican" can, as far as I'm concerned.
Then there's CNN's Brianna Keilar, who is the first one I noticed that would consistently call it a "lie", and not just dress it up as an "untruth." Erin Burnett, also gets high marks from me.
I had a bad news channel habit. I watched way too much Fox and MSNBC in the Bush years. I gave up all news when Obama got elected. Too much stupidity for me. Started back when Trumpf got elected. PBS, ABC evening news, Washington Week and three of the Sunday Yakity yak shows. I've cut back to Newshour, WW and Meet the Press. Still too much time invested.

The 24/7 news channels suck. Gotta fill that time with something. I stick to reading, it's quicker and easier to digest, plus easier to reference if you are making an argument.
I had a bad news channel habit. I watched way too much Fox and MSNBC in the Bush years. I gave up all news when Obama got elected. Too much stupidity for me. Started back when Trumpf got elected. PBS, ABC evening news, Washington Week and three of the Sunday Yakity yak shows. I've cut back to Newshour, WW and Meet the Press. Still too much time invested.
Same here. I even stopped posting on here. And did not pay attention to politics outside of reality of day to day events.

And that was when we got attacked by the Russian military and my family got sucked into the black hole of the conspiracy theory propaganda.

Agreed. Hallie Jackson is a favorite. She knows the material and is especially articulate, able to convey her thought fast, without stumbling over words, and being concise. Willie Geist has the demeanor to put up with Scarborough, and so does Mika, though that has to be tough. Deutsch and Michael Steele are both in the "just a Republican" can, as far as I'm concerned.
Then there's CNN's Brianna Keilar, who is the first one I noticed that would consistently call it a "lie", and not just dress it up as an "untruth." Erin Burnett, also gets high marks from me.
I really like Burnett back on CNBC, I tried to follow her on CNN, but it just never stuck enough for me to think about what time it was on.

Ill have to check out Keilar, I know my wife prefers CNN to avoid the nonsense right wing trolling as much as she can.

The 24/7 news channels suck. Gotta fill that time with something. I stick to reading, it's quicker and easier to digest, plus easier to reference if you are making an argument.
If I was just dealing with real life I would be right there with you man, unfortunatnly I planted my flag to battle this stupidity of the online trolling in this little corner of the internet. It helps me to hear the right wing tv trolls in real time along with what narratives are being pushed by online trolls.

I know it is completely unhealthy and virtually meaningless, but I am hopeful that at least I can help that one person who happens across this forum who is on the verge of being sucked into whatever virtual cult they were nudged into a chance to wake up to the attack taking place on them.
Morning Joe has taken the inevitable turn fully back to the right since there is a Democrat in office.

He was crying in his pearl clutching angry voice about how 'both sides' need to not talk about criminal cases to try them in the press. Complaining about Giuliani and Gaetz, and Comey outing Clinton, etc and how it has been going on since Bush, etc.

We hear about Gaetz banging young girls from Gaetz himself on Tucker.

Giuliani has been spreading propangda for years about what he has been doing trying to muddy the waters of his criminal involvement with a foreign nation to manipulate elections.

Clinton case was talked about by Comey (a Republican) when Giuliani started crowing about information he should not have had in October 2016, and was on a island trying to figure out how to deal with the well laid attack on our democracy that the Russians propagated for Trump, and did what he felt was the least bad option.

I am not saying that Joe is wrong about the investigations should be kept under the radar, but he is wrong to pretend like it is 'both sides' and somehow a scandal when it is the people being investigated that are the ones amplifying the stories into the public.

There is a reason that we did not know about Trump being investigating for working with he Russian military until Comey brought it up in early spring 2017 in a hearing.

as you noticed, he's been gone..Mika's told him he needs a break..i changed the channel do you think they could tell? i was shocked as shit. he needs to remember who he is or maybe that's the issue.

post of the day. +rep:clap:
They used to be a real news channel. When they saw the profit Fox was making, they threw all that out the window, going all opinion all the time. While not earning the same amount as Fox, they are a cash cow for NBC.

don't forget to subscribe to your add-on Peacock so you can pay more for the same streaming..that goes for Discovery+..okay look you're not Netflix or Hulu please don't try to be.
Same here. I even stopped posting on here. And did not pay attention to politics outside of reality of day to day events.

And that was when we got attacked by the Russian military and my family got sucked into the black hole of the conspiracy theory propaganda.

I really like Burnett back on CNBC, I tried to follow her on CNN, but it just never stuck enough for me to think about what time it was on.

Ill have to check out Keilar, I know my wife prefers CNN to avoid the nonsense right wing trolling as much as she can.

If I was just dealing with real life I would be right there with you man, unfortunatnly I planted my flag to battle this stupidity of the online trolling in this little corner of the internet. It helps me to hear the right wing tv trolls in real time along with what narratives are being pushed by online trolls.

I know it is completely unhealthy and virtually meaningless, but I am hopeful that at least I can help that one person who happens across this forum who is on the verge of being sucked into whatever virtual cult they were nudged into a chance to wake up to the attack taking place on them.

You are fighting the good fight.

Man, my levels of cynicism are awfully high and ruining empathy.

I haven't been able to find a free full copy yet, but you might find colin Campbell's work interesting regarding the weird virtual cult situation. Some folks talking about it:

You are fighting the good fight.

Man, my levels of cynicism are awfully high and ruining empathy.

I haven't been able to find a free full copy yet, but you might find colin Campbell's work interesting regarding the weird virtual cult situation. Some folks talking about it:

That podcast you suggested (behind the bastards) was really good too, thank you. My wife loved the Dr Oz ones, she really has disliked him for a very long time. She even dislikes Oprah for birthing that propagandist.
don't forget to subscribe to your add-on Peacock so you can pay more for the same streaming..that goes for Discovery+..okay look you're not Netflix or Hulu please don't try to be.
The wife is a TV junkie, so we have Dish with way more channels than I could ever watch. I'm not really a TV guy. But down at the riverhouse, where I spend three nights a week, I have 4 channels of PBS over the air. It really cuts into my midnight ramble miles on camp nights.