Hello everyone!
After a week of sheer hell, I'm starting to come to my senses. I haven't gotten out of bed in the last few days. Today I finally got some sleep. I've overcome this horror, but this is only a small part of what's happening in my life now. There's still a lot of exciting and interesting things ahead of me.))) I'm saving up my strength and preparing for new adventures. What pisses me off the most is that I can't change anything on my own... all I have left is humility.
Living one day at a time is all I can do.
If nothing happens to me in the near future, then I'll continue this thread, of course.
Peace and goodness to all!
Thank you, Tovarishch!
but for some reason it seems to me that this is the polar night.)))
I am now making a lot of efforts to stop hysteria and collect my thoughts. I really hope that I will succeed..
Forgive me for being a whiner now, but I will try to improve.))) It really pisses me off that I am losing my talent. and what I could have done or created, I traded for grief and suffering.