Matching Drivers and COBs

17 at the moment. That's what you thought huh? Now what about that warning from Cree about the blue light damaging eyes? Just dreaming were they?
No they don't dream! Here in France government thinks to vote a law or a norm to limit the quantity of blue in the public lights (even car lights) since the rise of the led technology - heard that few months ago.. law/norm is still not voted but it seems that there is a real problem with the blue spectrum - I don't know more about this subject.
I believe there's more than just UV light that can harm. My prescription lenses block UV but it is the intensity of the light, especially in the whiter/bluer end of the.spectrum. And yeah I think France has it right - I'm sick and tired of idiots driving at night with those super bright blue lights blinding me, they should start ticketing these morons. Sure it helps them see better but they're also a hazard for oncoming traffic.
I believe there's more than just UV light that can harm. My prescription lenses block UV but it is the intensity of the light, especially in the whiter/bluer end of the.spectrum. And yeah I think France has it right - I'm sick and tired of idiots driving at night with those super bright blue lights blinding me, they should start ticketing these morons. Sure it helps them see better but they're also a hazard for oncoming traffic.
My headlights totally suck, but I never bought HID even though I want to because then Ill be the Asshole blinding others.
No they don't dream! Here in France government thinks to vote a law or a norm to limit the quantity of blue in the public lights (even car lights) since the rise of the led technology - heard that few months ago.. law/norm is still not voted but it seems that there is a real problem with the blue spectrum - I don't know more about this subject.
Whether or not they cause damage, the salient point is that they're a public menace, imo. Just last week a guy was driving behind me with those bright bastards making it near impossible to see. Those things were brighter than my lights on high - I finally pulled over and let him by, then I got behind him and drove with my brights on. Hopefully he got the message, lol.
Whether or not they cause damage, the salient point is that they're a public menace, imo. Just last week a guy was driving behind me with those bright bastards making it near impossible to see. Those things were brighter than my lights on high - I finally pulled over and let him by, then I got behind him and drove with my brights on. Hopefully he got the message, lol.
Im trying to try not to be like that anymore. Ive actually got into fights over shit like that and you can get a felony charge over it these days, and some guys dont like to lose and they will be a pussy and shoot you. Be careful is all Im saying bro
Whether or not they cause damage, the salient point is that they're a public menace, imo. Just last week a guy was driving behind me with those bright bastards making it near impossible to see. Those things were brighter than my lights on high - I finally pulled over and let him by, then I got behind him and drove with my brights on. Hopefully he got the message, lol.
Solution in this case for a weed grower : 2x CLU550 with 2x MW hlg-600 instead your actual car lights haha!! ;)
Im trying to try not to be like that anymore. Ive actually got into fights over shit like that and you can get a felony charge over it these days, and some guys dont like to lose and they will be a pussy and shoot you. Be careful is all Im saying bro
Reading you make me realize that a simple clash on the road can be lethal in America!!! omg!!
Reading you make me realize that a simple clash on the road can be lethal in America!!! omg!!
When I was bodybuilding guys wouldnt ever fight me and I could do whatever basically, but normally ppl will get mad back especially if its their fault for some reason and some want to fight.
I never got into trouble and am glad and try not to go there anymore.
Sometimes now I will get behind ppl that piss me off and wave so they can see me smile really cheesy, and half the time they actually smile back lol its crazy.
Im trying to try not to be like that anymore. Ive actually got into fights over shit like that and you can get a felony charge over it these days, and some guys dont like to lose and they will be a pussy and shoot you. Be careful is all Im saying bro

Lol, I know exactly what you mean, I got stabbed by someone over a road-rage incident when I got out of my car to have a word with this guy who was driving like a mad-man. I just thought we'd yell at one another, call each other's mothers names, and be done, but as we're yelling at each other, he suddenly sucker punched me in the chest, saying something like, "How do you like that?"

Well I remember thinking that was a stupid place to hit someone, so I dropped him, and as he's laying there and I'm standing over him, I see this blood appear on his face. When I look down, I suddenly notice that the blood is pumping out of a stab wound in my chest - the fucker had stabbed me with a 4" pocket knife!!:cuss: Ended up with a punctured lung which was not a lot of fun, but that's another story ;?D

So yeah, you never know what kind of asshole you're dealing with these days, so I usually try to avoid it these days, I'm too old and supposedly too wise, lol, but it's hard to remember that sometimes:bigjoint:
Lol, I know exactly what you mean, I got stabbed by someone over a road-rage incident when I got out of my car to have a word with this guy who was driving like a mad-man. I just thought we'd yell at one another, call each other's mothers names, and be done, but as we're yelling at each other, he suddenly sucker punched me in the chest, saying something like, "How do you like that?"

Well I remember thinking that was a stupid place to hit someone, so I dropped him, and as he's laying there and I'm standing over him, I see this blood appear on his face. When I look down, I suddenly notice that the blood is pumping out of a stab wound in my chest - the fucker had stabbed me with a 4" pocket knife!!:cuss: Ended up with a punctured lung which was not a lot of fun, but that's another story ;?D

So yeah, you never know what kind of asshole you're dealing with these days, so I usually try to avoid it these days, I'm too old and supposedly too wise, lol, but it's hard to remember that sometimes:bigjoint:

Holy shit you're lucky to be alive!

I never stop for people acting like that, ever. If necessary, I even evade them. My best weapon is my two ton steel cage and I'm not giving it up!
Solution in this case for a weed grower : 2x CLU550 with 2x MW hlg-600 instead your actual car lights haha!! ;)
There are days, like that one last week, where I've considered making a light bar (with a dozen CLU058 6500k COBs and two of the HLG-600's ;?) to install on the roof of my car so when I meet one of these yahoos I can flash them (just a little bit, lol) to give them a taste of their own inconsiderate attitude. But then I figure if I start being an asshole too, I won't have the moral high ground to preach from :mrgreen:, so probably best not to go there ;?D
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