Matching Drivers and COBs

From where did you obtain the driver?

Also, how long did you run it on the Kill A Watt? For a few hours? Or just when you first plug it in?

Hello kliend,
THANKS for help, i bought the driver at TME.EU/DE/

yes, i just used it when i first plug it in, maybe for max for 20min-40min i think
MW drivers usually put out slightly more than rated current. Did you measure the actual current?
Hello alesh,
do u mean with multimeter? which i connect in series at the led fixture? If yes, no i was to afraid to do that :( i read here in forum it can be dangerous if u do it wrong:/
I have really less knowledge about LEDS and ELECTRIC, my little knowledge i collected here in forum:/

I thought it would be enought to adjust the Watt consum of my LED fixture with the help of my KILL A WATT.
Hello Sir,
is that the way how to calculate the whole power(Watt) consum of the Led fixture with 2 different driver settings?
If yes, im a bit confused because last week i did build my first led light (@64%
(8 ) CXB3590 3500K CD @ 700mA (23W ea) $380
(1) HLG-185H-C700 $65
184 dissipation W ->66W heat ->)

If i try now to calculate 184Watt / 0,94 = 195 ,744 Watt
But if i check the Watt consum with a KILL A WATT (AMP meter), it says me i use 216,4 Watt

Did i something wrong? or did i use just wrong formula to calculate :?
I have done the exact build as you and get the same total watts 216w. I thought this was odd as well. Even more so that you have had the same result.
I have done the exact build as you and get the same total watts 216w. I thought this was odd as well. Even more so that you have had the same result.
Hello Will,
thx for ur answer, that calm me down a bit that we have the same result :/. So our both lights runs with more then 700ma? If i dimm my light to 195 ,744 Watt, then the LEDS should run with 700ma?
Hello Will,
thx for ur answer, that calm me down a bit that we have the same result :/. So our both lights runs with more then 700ma? If i dimm my light to 195 ,744 Watt, then the LEDS should run with 700ma?

I am afraid any answer I give you would be speculative at best. I think it has been mentioned that Mean Well driver run at a slightly higher current than specified.

I will not be dimming mine just yet. Like you I only ran mine for a few minutes to check my wiring because I have not sorted the fans and shrouds out yet.

The only difference between your fixture and mine is that I added 6x Olson ssl hyper reds in the string.
I would listen to the more knowledgeable members here as like you my COB DIY experience is in its infancy.

I am not sure my math is correct on this 36v*.7A *8 COBs = 201.6w add 2.4v*.7A*6 SSL hyper reds = 10.08w for a total of 211.68w
Another point that may or may not have an influence is my electrical supply is 230-240v here in Europe.

I guess you are both from DE!
I have to pick a kill-a-watt!
I am curious now how many watt my hlg use???
And yes there's a difference between 110v and 220v...220v is better!
I am afraid any answer I give you would be speculative at best. I think it has been mentioned that Mean Well driver run at a slightly higher current than specified.

I will not be dimming mine just yet. Like you I only ran mine for a few minutes to check my wiring because I have not sorted the fans and shrouds out yet.

The only difference between your fixture and mine is that I added 6x Olson ssl hyper reds in the string.
I would listen to the more knowledgeable members here as like you my COB DIY experience is in its infancy.

I am not sure my math is correct on this 36v*.7A *8 COBs = 201.6w add 2.4v*.7A*6 SSL hyper reds = 10.08w for a total of 211.68w
Another point that may or may not have an influence is my electrical supply is 230-240v here in Europe.

hm, i think ur math is not correct. At 0,7 A the CXB 3590 CD 36V should use 32,5V or 33V , but im not sure.
Then it would be 33V * 0,7A * 8 COBs = 184,8 W and if i look at the datasheet from oslon ssl hyper Red it need less then 2,4V at 0,7A.

i live too in euro Europe.
hm, i think ur math is not correct. At 0,7 A the CXB 3590 CD 36V should use 32,5V or 33V , but im not sure.
Then it would be 33V * 0,7A * 8 COBs = 184,8 W and if i look at the datasheet from oslon ssl hyper Red it need less than 2,4V at 0,7A.

i live too in euro Europe.

Thank you, I see my error now. When I get the fans and shrouds hooked up I will check current with Multimeter.
I am not from DE. I live in UK.

Sorry is an other member...too many peoples too many weed...confusion!!!
And I smoke only 1/1.5gr I really smoke...not like 95% of other smoker...I explain...every time I see a vid on weed or ash the guy blow some at the is like he breeze it than immediately put off the is not smoking for me...When I smoke I respect the I keep it in my lungs as long as I can to fell it...smoking like some are is a waste of time/weed/money!
Cxb 36V @700mA are 32.72V and 64%
Have a great day ★
After being a hater at first when this site broke loose on these cob builds (probably due to my hps investments and lack of understanding at times) I want to put in my research time.
So a member a while back posted this pic (thanks for the cad pic). I was just wondering if one was to run the cxb 3590 instead of the 3070 with the same drivers in the pic, is it still a beast of a lamp? Im just trying to slowly wrap my head around all this info on this site.


  • 5x5 cxa setup 1050mA.png
    5x5 cxa setup 1050mA.png
    35.7 KB · Views: 38
After being a hater at first when this site broke loose on these cob builds (probably due to my hps investments and lack of understanding at times) I want to put in my research time.
So a member a while back posted this pic (thanks for the cad pic). I was just wondering if one was to run the cxb 3590 instead of the 3070 with the same drivers in the pic, is it still a beast of a lamp? Im just trying to slowly wrap my head around all this info on this site.
Would be all good. An upgrade basically. 36v 3590's work/run the same as a 3070 for all intents and purposes. Anything you could think to do with a 3070, you could do with a 3590 36v.
Found a supply of Meanwells..... Now I know why we cannot get the new 240's :)

Yep!...23 driver × 250w = 5750w!
You must smoke a!!!!
7kg...I guess...maybe more!
Seeing that while I m running 234 watts currently
I have a pair of drivers (HLG-185H-36B)coming that will up me to 374 watts across 6 cxa3070s.
I have dimmers coming as well
I will add more cobs to it soon as well.
I have had much bigger grows, but I m still excited for my 1st led grow.
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Knowing that hlg-185-1400 could put out 1540mA if we fallow this logic!
Maybe that's why they consume more w than they supposed to.
Someone could do the math!??
How many watt they should use @1540mA? And to know if it is 216w!
@Malocan @Will Thayer
Here is the test report. Like alesh said meanwell drivers usually put more current than what they are rated for. See how in the test report driver HLG-185H-C700 was giving 0.77Amps instead of 0.7
View attachment 3558238
Hello Robincnn
Thanks for that informations, with that numbers it make much more sense that my light use 216,4 Watt

0,7708A * 33V * 8 COBS = 203,4912W
203,4912W / 0,94%(driver) = 216,48W

If i would dimm my light to 195,10 Watt output, would my COBS run then with 700ma?

0,7A * 32.75V * 8 COBS = 183,4W
183,4W / 0,94%(driver) = 195,10W

Thanks again Robincnn