Very interesting read, Grey. That spidermite problem is a mofo. As I was reading your journal I kept saying to myself that you had too many plants going at one time for the space and lighting you had. The best teacher is experience, though, so you'll know better for next time.
I've noticed you mention this before in another thread, and although what you are saying is very true. I've also noted that you completely disregard SOG as a viable way to grow. In fact many growers fall into SOG after their first success at cloning, the reason being that they get so excited at all these cuttings growing roots that they must be potted up and grown. Where before you would fit one plant, you now fit 4-6.
Done properly SOG will yield you more bud quicker. Quicker because of the drastically cut-down veg' times. If you have a 1 gallon container, to fill it adequately you must veg' the plant for one month. 2 gallons, 2 months, etc, etc.
If you use a 3 gallon container, but only veg' for 2 months you are wasting a gallons worth of container.
In sog, you have a lot more plants in the same place as a large one, yet these little fellas only need around 5-7 days of veg'.