Master Kush. I Need Advice With Scrogging This Beast! 400 W HPS "Master" Piece


Well-Known Member
My sugar black rose is blowin the fuck up!!

It's the newly born in the five gallon bucket. Comparing the leaves to my hand.(obviously not the scrog) but it's leaves are now growing up the side of the bucket and on top of that these fan leaves are grtting to be bigger than my hand!!!!

Anyone grow out Sugar black rose before??


Well-Known Member
I second that my screen filled up like none other. And this sugar black rose is growing fan leaves bigger than my hand and it's only on it's 5-6th node. Its ridiculous


Well-Known Member
6 oz's off one master kush under 400w? Damn... I'm supercropping my master kush plants and they are under one 1000w MH for now. Once they are ready for flowering I'll be running dual 1000w HPS. That's like 150 oz's per plant! I'm gonna be rich!! haha jk jk If you got the 3.5 oz's off one I would be happy for you :)

I'm definitely watching your thread since I'm growing the same strain. You are so right about how fast they grow. Mine are only on their second week of 24 hour light and getting bigger each day. Best of luck with the grow! Get them buds!


Well-Known Member
The scrog is right at lights on. also i corrected the N def or so it looks like.

Gave em their first bloom nutes yesterday. 800 ppm

The master kush and purp took it like champs. SO we should be able to push em to their limits. :)

The other pics without the scrog are of my veg cab with a 250 HPS in it.

THE SUGAR BLACK ROSE IS GOING TO BE HUGE!!!!! LOOK AT DEM LEAVES!!!! almost bigger than my damn hand!!!!!!


And there is the auto flower in the back which is disappointing because it is fucking small as shit. total waste of soil!!!!

And then my chemdawg in the gallon pot. SHOULD BE SHOWING SEX ANY DAY NOW..

Got some preflowers and i hope they are female. they look the part. but then again there are some sly males that get through....

anyway i hope yall enjoi the pictures.

STAY UP EVERYONE> Your glass is twice as big as it needs to be today.


Well-Known Member
That's the MK. She isn't stretching as much be I'm ok with that because it creates a sort of bowl closer to the base of the light. So the PURP is gonna catch the rest of the light by curvin the canopy. Around the bulb. So it should be beneficial. : )


Well-Known Member
The Chemdawg is male. but I might just let him go cuz he is a wonderful plant. Very awesome plant. I might collect Pollen and pass his genes along.

BTW The seeds I bred last time with my god bud...
It was the MONSTER GREEN PHENO BC GOD BUD back crossed with the emergency devices (female pollen sacs)

I have a friend who reported back that hairs sprouted all over his plant after 4 weeks