Massive outdoor grow in new england


Active Member
Hey guys, Ive just completed my second indoor grow and got about 2.5 ounces off of a 3 foot plan in a DWC. However, energy bills and tremendous amounts of seeds are forcing me to grow outdoors this season.

I have about 45 seeds and an area of about 65 feet long and 65 feet wide giving me a total of approximately 400sqft. I plan on using a few 50lb bags of Foxfarms Ocean Forrest and some compost and mixing it all in with the native soil. Along with some perlite. I will dig the holes at least 2 feet deep for each plant.

I figure If I get half to grow or even 1/3 I will be able to accept the results, Im trying to yield about 3lbs.

Along with any constructive criticism, or ideas you may have my other question is this:

I do not plan to grow these seeds inside at all before planting them outside. I will germinate them and then place them outdoors on the last day of april. Do you think I will still be successful in growing given the above details I have given you guys?

Thanks for the responses ahead of time guys!


Well-Known Member
there are a few ways you could benefit by starting them indoors for a month+.

1) they will be bigger and stronger and more resilient to the elements

2) they will be beat-monsters by the time theyre harvestable

3) it you flower at 3-4 weeks and figure out sex you can toss the males and reveg then clone the females


Active Member
I know the benefits of starting them indoors, I plan on maybe starting ten or less indoors, but I do not have the proper lighting or space to grow them inside. I was wondering on the probability of them being successful outside, right from the get go. Im growing in a wooded/forrest area. Mostly maples and oaks, very few to no pines


Active Member
I would also only grow them for maybe 2 or 3 weeks indoors. Im not too worried about males or clones, considering I have so many seeds from previous grows. I plan on just yanking the males out as soon as they show sex naturally and taking clones from the plants I know are feminized.


Well-Known Member
I think you got it man grow marijuana is not really anything to be confusing. starting them late april is a good time just germinate and dig some 2x2 foot holes filled with fox farms ocean mix and get some grow big nutes for reg and tiger bloom for flower. buy some chicken wire and make a perimeter around your plants while they are small at about 1 foot tall transplant them into there holes. when males start to show walk around your patch with a machete and chop those fuckers down!! plant scattered it odd patters not rows looking natural and your good to go man good luck and tell me how you do :)


Active Member
cuz either way u gotta b carefull.... a bunch of monstrous weed plants in 1 area is gonna b noticeable