Massive Federal Crackdown On L.A.County Pot Shops!


Well-Known Member
You have a good point but do you want Sativex or some nice flowers to puff on? I do not believe the pill will win over the consumers, I wouldn't pop pills over smoking despite the legal issues. When the variety of strains and potencies is what is the medical user has more chance of selecting strain that suits the disorder. Prisons and pharm lobbies are 2 of the toughest, but in my state nobody is going to prison for medical is a fine. The drugs that are filling up prisons are Meth, and pharmaceudical opiates, the criminality associated with such addictive and destructive substances is way higher and consequences are greater. I really believe that corruption is pervasive in these areas and if conspiracy is the real reason for it remaining illegal than I am just an optimist who should have been more cynical. It is impossible to know for sure but imprisonment for MJ, even in large amounts, looks increasingly ridiculous and is not appropriate for such a benign substance. Meth on the flipside carries mandatory sentencing that nobody is fighting against. We can only wait to see but the ball will conitnue to roll forward over time. Politics have to address these hot isssues, regardless of lobbying they usually have to be democratically elected right? Would you vote for somebody that supported prohibition and incarceration for MJ? I think that ship has sailed.
Conspiracy implies secrecy. The reasons this plant is illegal are no secret and they have not changed. They require research to understand because the official line is far off the reality. But the historical facts are truly undeniable. You should check out the Emperor Wears No Clothes by Jack Herer.


Well-Known Member
Conspiracy implies secrecy. The reasons this plant is illegal are no secret and they have not changed. They require research to understand because the official line is far off the reality. But the historical facts are truly undeniable. You should check out the Emperor Wears No Clothes by Jack Herer.[/QUOTE I have seen seen athe paradigm shift begi.


Well-Known Member
its not just l.a. county... its all over southern california there shutting down dispenseries... orange counnty too.. san bernardino county as well.... a bunch others... this goes for mobil dispenseries too....n patiant to patiant transfers still legal so who gives a shit about a dispensery getting closed.. they just rape there customers anyway,, if you dont own a disp. you shouldnt care.. the price of dank will go up from this. no more dispenseries getting pounds for 2200 and selling 60 doallar 8ths at retail...


Well-Known Member
its not just l.a. county... its all over southern california there shutting down dispenseries... orange counnty too.. san bernardino county as well.... a bunch others... this goes for mobil dispenseries too....n patiant to patiant transfers still legal so who gives a shit about a dispensery getting closed.. they just rape there customers anyway,, if you dont own a disp. you shouldnt care.. the price of dank will go up from this. no more dispenseries getting pounds for 2200 and selling 60 doallar 8ths at retail...
Hate to admit it, but I'm certainly not going to complain if the Feds drive up my prices.
most deff. on the feds making a showing in the "war on drugs" they will be doing this all year round just to show face. it sucks and sure it will fuck up some business but as 100 are being busted 100 more are opening so its a like burgrtime said just the circle of the "war on drugs" never going to stop until its federally legal ...
nice avatar


To all who are being prosecuted after this round up and to the rest of us WHY we should be fighting for each OTHER RIGHTS each and every one of us!

If you were arrested and charged federally in a state were its legal to do what ever you were doing AND you were paying your TAXES, Have you ever heard the term


It would seam to me its time to take up a legal class action against the states individually and are own government as a whole for lack of Representing ALL at the fed level.
That would really rattle some cages seeing how that's how civil wars start, OH on top of that When the Fed over steps its rule over the states and its peoples voters rights again things that start a civil war. I don't care if its Pot Beer Voting rights immigration what ever! The Feds have no control OR THE RIGHT to dictate over the will of a people to govern themselves in there own state!
WE are not supposed to live in a dictatorship, but alas that is what the USA has is become.

Its time to stop the corrupt in government VOTE Libertarian get the thieves & Liar's out of government

The feds have been useing the "Interstate commerce clause" for far far to long and for FAR more than it was ever intended.

Its also time for a REAL push to Ratify the REAL 13th Amendment (Which was already ratified once before check out a little Library in Colorado!)
Its time for "We the people" to take control back!

Just stop and think about this for a second PLEASE

We have the House with how many representatives???? and then we got congress with how many representatives?????
AND you can tell me you get that many people to agree on ANYTHING?????? ESPECIALLY any new LAWS to govern people by?


They are all paid off for there votes in some way or another period (That's not only a crime its Treason)

This is not what our Great for fathers of this nation envisioned for me or you

We were warned by Many true Patriots in government threw out the years and ALL their fears have come true


Well-Known Member
C2G is right imo. It is only a matter of time before big pharma controls mmj.

The wheels are already in motion. The worst part is everyone who is now a registered caregiver will be easy targets.

THis is what I've been saying all along and why I would never register ..........
too bad we couldn't get a fake reg to keep the locals off our asses and have peace of mind to not get busted. Wouldn't have to worry about local police, state police or feds.