Massachusetts Late Season Blues


Well-Known Member
Well, it appears from all my MA friends reports, as well as some Michigan and upper Northeast that 2020, being the year of Suck, has led us to pray for an extended season. Our tops are far behind where they were last year at this time, and many of us are looking at 4-5 more weeks to go. Late season PM and bud worms are rearing their ugly heads, but fortunately bud rot doesn't seem to be a widespread issue yet. Fall cold, damp nights with damp and dewy mornings are headed our way, and only sun and breeze can help us, naturally, deal with this.
The trick bags are being busted out, and methods such as fans on our outdoor grows, heating tape around our pots to keep roots warm, certain preventative chemicals to combat late season issues, it's the time of year where we all get a little freaked out. We've been plant whisperers, watching our babies grow and caring for them throughout good times and bad, and as we near the end of the season we, I, I should say, become a little nervous. Nervous that rot will appear, nervous I'll be ripped off, nervous something random will cost me all my work and care. Especially since we have at least another whole month to go at least. And then, THEN, the damn cure has got to go just right, so, I probably speak for many of us when I say my nails are chewed to the quick and I'm on high alert. I'm probably in my backyard ten times a day, any noise I hear, annnnnnnd, "I just gotta check that real quick, babe." But she knows.
Today I finally started to notice some purple that the cooler weather brings out, but only on one plant. Last year this time, I had purple all over. But this year is this year, and, as usual, each year brings us new lessons, New experiences, New tragedies, and New victories. Tic-Toc goes the clock, and when all is said and done, it'll be over before we known it and we will be plotting next season's garden. I wanna say thank you, at this point to Warfox, Dunphy, Ganga Gurl, Moonman and so many others who have helped me out on this site, too many to list. So many inspire, don't judge, shine the light and give the gentle nudge. Enables me to go off and pretend I actually know what I'm doing and that I can help others, which a few years ago I couldn't have done without the guidance. You can learn new stuff almost every day here if you research, and this site has made me a better person, a better grower, and grateful for all of it.
So I'm gonna keep on keeping on, and say a prayer for our LA, AL, and brother s and sisters that are in the path of some serious storms, and fires that are wiping out and damaging grows across the nation, we should consider ourselves lucky. Could have been us. May your harvest be blessed, your curing trouble free, and your medicine be all it can be.
PVOG out.
Always learning! I feel like I've stepped up a level this year, but I still have so far to climb!

Communities like this are great resources and should be appreciated.

Good luck to everyone out there! :clap::clap:
i hear ya.... southern mass here.... i have had the blues lol....

i went ahead and built a greenhouse curring corona specifically to keep em hotter at night.... running a 1500watt space heater on nights like tongiht.... i need it hotter than most cuz im supplimenting light durring the day aswell... so im about 5-10 degrees hotter durring the day than most... you really dont want much more than a 20-25 degree swing between day and night.. so keeping night temps high is critical for me...

i try and tell myself..... "if i want free photons... im gunna have to work a little for em"

praying for everyone tongiht
Northern MA (close to NH border) and my outdoor garden has maybe another 2-3 weeks for harvest. I’m fearing the frost. Building a greenhouse around it tomorrow.


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Northern MA (close to NH border) and my outdoor garden has maybe another 2-3 weeks for harvest. I’m fearing the frost. Building a greenhouse around it tomorrow.
The top pic, hell both pics look like you're in lockstep with me. 2-3 weeks you think? I'm thinking a little longer for me. Keep in touch, always nice to network w a neighbor, lol
Northern MA (close to NH border) and my outdoor garden has maybe another 2-3 weeks for harvest. I’m fearing the frost. Building a greenhouse around it tomorrow.
Be careful with the humidity in that plastic bag. Garden is identical to mine, only longer bed. Put a greenhouse and PM explosion. 5000cfm fan. 6" inline and a floor blower. Along with Regalia and hard defol is just looking like I might be getting ahead again. 003.jpgDRAGON FRUIT 003.jpg
Northern MA (close to NH border) and my outdoor garden has maybe another 2-3 weeks for harvest. I’m fearing the frost. Building a greenhouse around it tomorrow.

this is hard to do at this point... ur going to want air flow durring the day... u cant go any lower than ambient co2 and if u close the system totally at this point ur plant are large enough for that to make a difference... closing it off at night is no problem this is when they use oxygen and they have plenty of that for all night... so try and build it to flap open durring the day and close at night.. this might also help with the temp difference between day and night... thats the real bud root fear...

also... if your going w poly... 4 mil poly is very weak... but 6 mil poly will literally put ur plant in shadow... normally this sint a problem cuz planbts get enough light outdoors... but urs have been ticking along in flower without the shadow... might not be a good idesa to ruduce the amoutn of energy they are getting by 25% where your at in flower... just want you to factor in 6mil puts them in shade
I'm a neighbor as well, hard to say how plants will fare this year, but last year I had plants ride out frost well into late October. Seacoast vs inland no doubt makes a significant difference.

I have been clipping off bud-rotted bits here and there, very limited, I'm chalking it up to bugs I didn't get on top of, or maybe all the dang spiders living on my plants this year were storing meals in buds.
Be careful with the humidity in that plastic bag. Garden is identical to mine, only longer bed. Put a greenhouse and PM explosion. 5000cfm fan. 6" inline and a floor blower. Along with Regalia and hard defol is just looking like I might be getting ahead again. View attachment 4684981View attachment 4684982

hey iv had problems w tall plants and poly greenhouses when they get to close to the top of the poly... there is jsut to big of a difference between the difference in humidity at the top foot... especially if its on grass.. cuz u just cant control that humidity and u cant extract that last foot...

you need air flow durring the day... the light drives ur plants... so lets say there getting 100 photons of light... the co2 is what tell you how much photosythesis your going to get from that light ur recieving... at ambient co2 u can only use 40 of those photons... thats why professional growers add co2... they wnt to be able to use all 100 photons from the light... im telling u this because u want to do anything you can to get co2 to your plants... if ur system is closed the plants will use that ambient co2 (400ppm) and eventually start to die as that lowers.... plants inhale co2 all day long... then they inhale oxygen all night long... and theres plenty of oxygen in the air for plants... so u can close the greenhouse at night and not need to worry about that... but it needs to be open of somehting durring the day....

very nice plants
hey iv had problems w tall plants and poly greenhouses when they get to close to the top of the poly... there is jsut to big of a difference between the difference in humidity at the top foot... especially if its on grass.. cuz u just cant control that humidity and u cant extract that last foot...

you need air flow durring the day... the light drives ur plants... so lets say there getting 100 photons of light... the co2 is what tell you how much photosythesis your going to get from that light ur recieving... at ambient co2 u can only use 40 of those photons... thats why professional growers add co2... they wnt to be able to use all 100 photons from the light... im telling u this because u want to do anything you can to get co2 to your plants... if ur system is closed the plants will use that ambient co2 (400ppm) and eventually start to die as that lowers.... plants inhale co2 all day long... then they inhale oxygen all night long... and theres plenty of oxygen in the air for plants... so u can close the greenhouse at night and not need to worry about that... but it needs to be open of somehting durring the day....

very nice plants
Thank you for the compliment. Response is insanely over complicated way of saying CFM. Thanks for the input. Always welcomed. Peace.
this is hard to do at this point... ur going to want air flow durring the day... u cant go any lower than ambient co2 and if u close the system totally at this point ur plant are large enough for that to make a difference... closing it off at night is no problem this is when they use oxygen and they have plenty of that for all night... so try and build it to flap open durring the day and close at night.. this might also help with the temp difference between day and night... thats the real bud root fear...

also... if your going w poly... 4 mil poly is very weak... but 6 mil poly will literally put ur plant in shadow... normally this sint a problem cuz planbts get enough light outdoors... but urs have been ticking along in flower without the shadow... might not be a good idesa to ruduce the amoutn of energy they are getting by 25% where your at in flower... just want you to factor in 6mil puts them in shade
Farm plastic supply has 6 mil IRAC poly that is 90%translucent. I have it on my hoop house and its pretty awesome stuff. It made it through the derecho last month and diffuses light evenly.
It isn't cheap. But it isn't expensive either and they ship really fast. It's also warantied for four years. Pretty nice stuff.
My hoop house is 24x16x10 and stays fairly warm even though the ends are screened (to promote airflow) and covered with weed barrier (pollen protection). I'll eventually put some plastic on the ends though.
When you could still walk around in there, back in June, early July, I would hang out in there at night and watch the fireflies through the poly roof. It was beautiful how the diffusion of their light would spread making them look much bigger than they actually were.
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not nessecarily cfm... you could keep it closed if its too cold outside... u can get a cheap co2 setup or them exhale bags.. and run a dumifidifer in your greenhouse... the co2 will doulbe your rate of photosythises and the dehumnidifier will dehumidify obviouosly but add a lot of heat also... its a better option but i didnt want to write that.... but the principal is get them co2 theres a lot of clever ways
I'm a neighbor as well, hard to say how plants will fare this year, but last year I had plants ride out frost well into late October. Seacoast vs inland no doubt makes a significant difference.

I have been clipping off bud-rotted bits here and there, very limited, I'm chalking it up to bugs I didn't get on top of, or maybe all the dang spiders living on my plants this year were storing meals in buds.
So are you coastal, or inland MA? AND when you said plants ride out the frost into late October, was it many frosts? Ir a few? Thanks!
So are you coastal, or inland MA? AND when you said plants ride out the frost into late October, was it many frosts? Ir a few? Thanks!

I'm not actually in MA, I'm essentially in your valley but north of the border. I am a flatlander though, so I'm pretty familiar with Boston area coastal weather.
I've had plants out till first snow. Not scared of a little frost.
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I've had gg make it through frost snow and temps in the 30's for almost a week. My green crack died on the 2nd and 3rd day in same week. Depends on the strain. Better bust out the schnapps and for them. Just kidding. Might relax us though. Crossing my fingers for us all.