Mass Shooting at Florida Gay Club

If you get your information from Western Media aka Zionist Controlled News outlets... then your going to feel exactly the way they program your mind to think.. most people are fucken stupid sheep and believe everything they see on TV spewed by Zio-Experts ...

Grow Ganja and make Bank roll,.. Fuck Paying Taxes to Parastic Squatters who want to steal our rights to Defend ourselves with GUNS ... Feed those Spinning Dradels Full Clips

The media said there was a horrific shooting in Florida, I`m not there so...true or false information ?
The Zionist owned media has a hard on for Muslims and since they are responsible for Pimpin the USA into bombing the ME into the Stone Age for Greater Israel Project ... All they want to do is tie in the Homophobic Shooter with ISIS or anything Islam related... Yeah so Jews run this muthaphucka incase you've been hiding out with the Bigfoot or living under rock since 1947..

This whole massacre has nothing to do with Muslims .. yet you say it enough on TV the fucken White Trash hateful bigot minded lowclass people of this country will want to get all Nationalistc and hate the MUDSLIMES ...

Mind Control is a on a another level when your uneducated and Broke
The Zionist owned media has a hard on for Muslims and since they are responsible for Pimpin the USA into bombing the ME into the Stone Age for Greater Israel Project ... All they want to do is tie in the Homophobic Shooter with ISIS or anything Islam related... Yeah so Jews run this muthaphucka incase you've been hiding out with the Bigfoot or living under rock since 1947..

This whole massacre has nothing to do with Muslims .. yet you say it enough on TV the fucken White Trash hateful bigot minded lowclass people of this country will want to get all Nationalistc and hate the MUDSLIMES ...

Mind Control is a on a another level when your uneducated and Broke

If I get 1000 ships and fill them with American Muslims will they go to the ME and stop gays from being thrown off cell towers and innocent lives from getting their heads cut off in the name of Islam by the ISIS caliphate ? Nobody else has been able to stop that JV team.
I`ve said it a 100 times, let Iran go into Iraq and Syria and keep the countries,`ll stop all this bullshit in no time. Iran will be a much bigger but more satisfied place. I can live with that.
The fact you even use words like Caliphate ... means your consuming more than enough Zionist garbage and your brain has been set in Sheep mode... you think what crazy ISIS aka MOSSAD Mercenaries do to innocent people is any worst than US Drone Strikes ? Or does the Jewish Hollywood Sound effects of Arab Chanting and special effects of killing and burning people make you feel more gitty ...

They wont be stopped because Israel (squatters/Parasites) Saudi Arabia (closet Homo inbreed Mudslimes) and Turkey (evil trash) all fully support and give them USA made weapons

Russia is the only country with the Courage to tell the Zionist to fuck off.. without Putin.. we'd all be so fucked by the Dradel Spinners
You know nothing about Putin expect what the Jews want you to think ... if you had any knowledge of his'd drop on your knees and ask for his forgiveness rather than the Jewish supermodel zombie..
You know nothing about Putin expect what the Jews want you to think ... if you had any knowledge of his'd drop on your knees and ask for his forgiveness rather than the Jewish supermodel zombie..

You want his number ? I got him on speed dial.
What a fucken stupid statement... Abortion is a womens choice and men who comment on it acting like they know anything ... well what can you say... you just fit the profile of the Caliphate Believers.. cue that Arabic Chanting boys...1...2...3... Action ... what a tool
What a fucken stupid statement... Abortion is a womens choice and men who comment on it acting like they know anything ... well what can you say... you just fit the profile of the Caliphate Believers.. cue that Arabic Chanting boys...1...2...3... Action ... what a tool
How do you know I'm a man? I just transitioned to a woman. Lol.