Mass Legal Question How Many?


Well-Known Member
So I'm not that wealthy and can't afford to buy seeds, instead stick with local breeds vetted to the area, and what I can save through various processes. Anyways, my question is this: A couple like wifey and I can have 12 plants, but to get there, I have to plant far more seeds than that. By around the middle of August, my 22 healthy plants are down to about 13 or 14, hopefully all females, I pulled 3 makes today and hope that's the end, 7 in the last week.
So I'm thinking by sometime in August you should be down to your 12, question is, how many can I start with? I'm thinking 30 is not a real high number, shit happens, plants die or are not top speciemens, you give a few away.... But as long as you end up with 12... I don't think the choppers start spotting until September - October anyways.
Last note, anyone read about those idiots in Savoy? 10k a month in electric bills, actually MELTED the wires to the house? When the power company showed up, the guy tried to stuff an envelope with $100 bills in his hand? I think it was 37,000 plants in all. Eye-Chuahawa
A seedling is a plant

By starting 30 your 18 over limit
Really? Because I can't eat a tomatoe off a tomatoe seedling? This seems not only unfair, but once again, caters to the rich and Big Business by forcing people to buy auto feminized seeds at ridiculous prices. Once again the Man sticks it to us.
If this is actually the legality of it? Are you 100% certain this is law Bob?
Dont trust me, research your state and laws

Your not growing tomatoes, your growing weed
And you don't need to grow 30 plants just to get fem plants

Your life, take control and don't make excuses or reasons others are your problem

Grab ahold of your life
Really? Because I can't eat a tomatoe off a tomatoe seedling? This seems not only unfair, but once again, caters to the rich and Big Business by forcing people to buy auto feminized seeds at ridiculous prices. Once again the Man sticks it to us.
If this is actually the legality of it? Are you 100% certain this is law Bob?
We actually have, if not the best, than the second best cultivating laws in the country. The only reason why California has slightly better laws is bc medical patients have no restriction on the amount of plants they grow. Here in mass, Weve been given the opportunity to grow 12 plants, with no restriction on canopy size, as a recreational user! Check all the laws nothing in the country will compare to that. Recreational growers in mass have better laws than most med patients in the country. In no way is this law a result of the “the man sticking it to us.” You said yourself that you can’t afford to buy weed. But here in mass you can buy a pack of feminizeD seeds for less Than the cost of an ounce of cured weed and have the opportunity to provide yourself for meds for 2 years.
Here in maine its 12 per house in flower,99 in veg under a foot tall. Shocked mass doesnt have veg plants in the books. An i can have a hundred pounds in my house as long as i grew it.
Here in maine its 12 per house in flower,99 in veg under a foot tall. Shocked mass doesnt have veg plants in the books. An i can have a hundred pounds in my house as long as i grew it.
Maybe norml’s website is out of date...

According to

Mainers can grow marijuana for personal use. As many as three mature, 12 immature plants, and an unlimited number of seedlings are allowed per resident 21 years of age or older.
These restrictions do not apply to the cultivation of marijuana for medical use by a qualifying patient, a caregiver, a registered caregiver or a registered dispensary as authorized by the Maine Medical Use of Marijuana Act
According to

Mainers can grow marijuana for personal use. As many as three mature, 12 immature plants, and an unlimited number of seedlings are allowed per resident 21 years of age or older.
These restrictions do not apply to the cultivation of marijuana for medical use by a qualifying patient, a caregiver, a registered caregiver or a registered dispensary as authorized by the Maine Medical Use of Marijuana Act
Yes 3 flowering per person 12 limit on house unlimited plants under a12 inchs unlimited weight as long as you grew it on your land.this is rec law like i said, that stuff from normal is wacked, med patients have 12 limit flowering per house just dont have to tag them like a rec grow. Now of course if you get caught selling they still put the boots to ya.
All I see is the 12 plants too

Be happy you can grow that. Not sure any one person needs 12 plants anyways

But like most, never happy with what u can have and always want more

So blame everyone rlse
The Massachusetts legal limits for cultivation are 6 plants per person aged 21 or over, and a maximum of 12 plants per household with two or more residents over 21 per household. There are no provisions allowing for more plants to be started and eventually culled down to the legal limits before harvest. As soon as the 7th (or 13th) seed pops, you are violating the law.

The Massachusetts legal limit for possession outside of the home is 1 ounce, and is 10 ounces at home (plus up to the legal number of plants under cultivation, whose weight does not count until it is harvested).

The law does not specifically double the 10 oz. amount allowed to be kept at home if there are two or more residents over 21, but I would argue that possession is attributable to the individual and that two or more people over 21 could each possess their own 10 oz. maximum at the same home. There are other inconsistencies and lack of clarity in the law that eventually will end up being decided by an appellate court as well.

The NORML page for Massachusetts is not comprehensive. As always, the best source for the law is the official source -
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Yeah, in Mass right now... a plant is a plant whether its a seedling or a mature plant in full flower, so each of those count as (1) of the (6) one can have, or (1) of the (12) that a couple or the entire household can be growing if there are (2) persons living in that same residents that are (21) years old or older. And you, or the residents in that same household are allowed to keep (10) zips of harvested weed, but only (1) of those zips can be left out in a unlocked secured area, and the other (9) zips need to be physically locked up in a secured area that actually needs a key to access those (9) zips. And when driving, you can carry up to (1) zip in your car, but it cannot be on your person, or any other person riding in the vehicle, and it also can not be within reach of anyone riding in the vehicle unless it is physically locked up with a key in the glove compartment, or other secured keyed device, and if your glove compartment doesn't have a lock attached to it, it must be stored in the vehicles trunk, or far enough away from anyone riding in the vehicle where no one riding in that vehicle can freely access it when the vehicle is in motion! Gee... so much weird shit!!!
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I've interpreted the Massachusetts home possession limits a little different. Here's the verbage:

Within a primary residence, an adult may possess up to 10 ounces of marijuana and any marijuana produced by marijuana plants cultivated on the premises.

it says 10oz AND any marijuana produced by marijuana plants cultivated on the premise. Seems like there is no posession limit for your primary residence if you grew it.

Edit: added reference
Section 7a #2
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That's sad as my goal is to be a law abiding citizen - so how Am I supposed to get my 12 legal plants, I plant 12 seeds I might get 3 or 4 plants. That's just BS.
I've interpreted the Massachusetts home possession limits a little different. Here's the verbage:

Within a primary residence, an adult may possess up to 10 ounces of marijuana and any marijuana produced by marijuana plants cultivated on the premises.

it says 10oz AND any marijuana produced by marijuana plants cultivated on the premise. Seems like there is no posession limit for your primary residence if you grew it.

Edit: added reference
Section 7a #2

I didn’t read it quite the same way the first time but your interpretation makes more sense.