Masonic Seeds

Riot is a good dude. My opinion is anyone that all out attacks Matt is suspect.
Lol anyone calling out Matty (I wish i knew what real RKS was ) Riot is Sus ? Come on now guy really i honestly think they are both Riot and Mase are trash but hey that is my own opinion and we are all entitled to them.
I just don't have to buy their seeds which don't but hell you could of stuck up for a lot of better breeders then Riot .
Lol anyone calling out Matty (I wish i knew what real RKS was ) Riot is Sus ? Come on now guy really i honestly think they are both Riot and Mase are trash but hey that is my own opinion and we are all entitled to them.
I just don't have to buy their seeds which don't but hell you could of stuck up for a lot of better breeders then Riot .
Who is a breeder that isn't trash? Give me a list hoss.
Green team genetics, abf genetics, truecannabliss, dynasty/relic, green rebel farms, hbk genetics, zoolander seeds, woodstock farmacy, surfr seeds, and csi/founding fathers to name a few that actually let the work speak for itself
I know some of those are friends with/have respect for Matt.....why is it most of the "legit" breeders respect him, but the community in general doesn't? That's a serious question.
I know some of those are friends with/have respect for Matt.....why is it most of the "legit" breeders respect him, but the community in general doesn't? That's a serious question.

I could care less who's friends with Matt I'm not defending the pot calling the kettle black they're both douchebags for different reasons imo. At the same time it's not like anyone is riding Matt's nuts the way masonic does Oni. And it's not like any of the above mentioned breeders are making a living off someone else's work the way both of those fools are with Harry palms. Drama aside where are the keepers from masonics "work" or Onis for that matter? Don't worry I'll wait
Regarding Matt.....Masonic picked up where blueskiesvienna left off....blueskies picked up where GGG left off.....see where this is going? Being vocal gets mad shit spread.....and people still think it holds weight. Scammers just trying to shut the guy up pointing the finger.
I could care less who's friends with Matt I'm not defending the pot calling the kettle black they're both douchebags for different reasons imo. At the same time it's not like anyone is riding Matt's nuts the way masonic does Oni. And it's not like any of the above mentioned breeders are making a living off someone else's work the way both of those fools are with Harry palms. Drama aside where are the keepers from masonics "work" or Onis for that matter? Don't worry I'll wait
I think you have me confused with someone that cares about Oni/Mase. They are both not worth even mentioning at this point. Masonics $25 packs come from the same place Oni's $300 packs....and yeah they didn't make thier names off Harry, they flat out stole his work. Enough said....

Back to Matt....what makes his work trash? I have grown his stuff and will continue to cause it does speak for itself.
Masonic picked up where blueskiesvienna left off....blueskies picked up where GGG left off.....see where this is going? Being vocal

I think you have me confused with someone that cares about Oni/Mase. They are both not worth even mentioning at this point. Masonics $25 packs come from the same place Oni's $300 packs....and yeah they didn't make thier names off Harry, they flat out stole his work. Enough said....

Back to Matt....what makes his work trash? I have grown his stuff and will continue to cause it does speak for itself.

Never said his work is trash but I'm not interested in running it either. Strictly a personal choice. Plenty of other breeders I'd rather support but if the quality was there in your experience then all the power to you my friend. I think what it boils down to with Matt is he just talks too damn much and that's the main reason alot of people don't care for him myself included
Never said his work is trash but I'm not interested in running it either. Strictly a personal choice. Plenty of other breeders I'd rather support but if the quality was there in your experience then all the power to you my friend. I think what it boils down to with Matt is he just talks too damn much and that's the main reason alot of people don't care for him myself included
So.....the reason this thread exists is cause of Matt.....the reason tons of people now know that Oni and Mase are not what they thought.....when it was just Matt everyone laughs....makes fun....blah blah blah....then more people chime in and things evolve and Matt is still a piece of shit who talks to much? That makes a whole lotta sense to me. There is a lack of people who will speak up due to the fact it will just hurt thier business....and it definitely does.
So.....the reason this thread exists is cause of Matt.....the reason tons of people now know that Oni and Mase are not what they thought.....when it was just Matt everyone laughs....makes fun....blah blah blah....then more people chime in and things evolve and Matt is still a piece of shit who talks to much? That makes a whole lotta sense to me. There is a lack of people who will speak up due to the fact it will just hurt thier business....and it definitely does.

Easy there tiger I don't think Matt is a piece of shit he just beats a dead horse when it comes to the scammers. Majority of the real breeders don't give these clowns the time of day and I think Matt would be better off doing the same. You're never going to convince their fanboys otherwise so why waste the energy on them when there's always work to be done
Easy there tiger I don't think Matt is a piece of shit he just beats a dead horse when it comes to the scammers. Majority of the real breeders don't give these clowns the time of day and I think Matt would be better off doing the same. You're never going to convince their fanboys otherwise so why waste the energy on them when there's always work to be done depends on personality type really. If you can just ignore and let it pass or not. I am a newer gen person....and have bought utter shit in the past. I'm still holding a bunch of packs I will probably never pop. A lot of cash down the drain. I give them away when I meet someone that is running something even worse like Canuck or Crop King. It honestly pisses me off a lot how murkey the waters are. I mean...we are both here to kick the dead horse that was Masonics seed business.

There are tons of legit people selling seed. It definitely is more productive confirming who puts in effort and cares more about the plant than profits. On the scale I grow as a hobbyist I only need a couple. Right now I'm spending my time looking through Riot, CSI, Souvenir, Crybaby, and Thunderfudge. More than enough there to keep my busy for years.
I just like to watch them both cry it makes my heart smile ! And to be perfectly honest with ya they right up their with the biggest Clown of them all Big Berner ! If you want some real gear try Relentless ,Crane ,Harry P, Sunken Treasure, Pheno Addicts , hell i grab cats from the site shit Stray, Briscoe, Genuity , before i wiped my Ass with Big Mase or Matty " What's RKS smell like again " Riot gear !
I just like to watch them both cry it makes my heart smile ! And to be perfectly honest with ya they right up their with the biggest Clown of them all Big Berner ! If you want some real gear try Relentless ,Crane ,Harry P, Sunken Treasure, Pheno Addicts , hell i grab cats from the site shit Stray, Briscoe, Genuity , before i wiped my Ass with Big Mase or Matty " What's RKS smell like again " Riot gear !
Sounds cool
There are tons of legit people selling seed. It definitely is more productive confirming who puts in effort and cares more about the plant than profits. On the scale I grow as a hobbyist I only need a couple. Right now I'm spending my time looking through Riot, CSI, Souvenir, Crybaby, and Thunderfudge. More than enough there to keep my busy for years.
What are you running from Crybaby, his giesel stuff looks real nice. Solid list of breeders, never ran riot though.
What are you running from Crybaby, his giesel stuff looks real nice. Solid list of breeders, never ran riot though.
It was a tough call picking off his list cause I want it all....but from the Giesel crosses I grabbed Neutrino (Rubber City #7), Summertime Saddness P91S1 (Bittersweet_sd cut), and Aint no Grave Trailer Park Jesus ( Trinity S1 x Ortega #2/Warlock ) x Giesel.

I wanna dig into the Giesel a bit and get a feel for it. Matt has worked with the G more than most and I got some of his bluperskunk (Giesel x Blue Bonnet) to play with as well.

I was talking with Matt about the Giesel yesterday....getting excited to see some of the expressions coming out of all of that stuff. I just finished some of his Sour D x Blue Bonnet and it really kicks.....massive potency and extremely narcotic.

It was a tough call picking off his list cause I want it all....but from the Giesel crosses I grabbed Neutrino (Rubber City #7), Summertime Saddness P91S1 (Bittersweet_sd cut), and Aint no Grave Trailer Park Jesus ( Trinity S1 x Ortega #2/Warlock ) x Giesel.

I wanna dig into the Giesel a bit and get a feel for it. Matt has worked with the G more than most and I got some of his bluperskunk (Giesel x Blue Bonnet) to play with as well.

I was talking with Matt about the Giesel yesterday....getting excited to see some of the expressions coming out of all of that stuff. I just finished some of his Sour D x Blue Bonnet and it really kicks.....massive potency and extremely narcotic.

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Rubber city x Giesel sounds like a good one. You got a log going anywhere? I'd tune in. I recognize your tag from Beanbasement.
Rubber city x Giesel sounds like a good one. You got a log going anywhere? I recognize your tag from Beanbasement
Nah, I'm not posting anywhere atm. Mostly active on speakeasy and breeders syndicate discord. Bean basement has too many people stirring the pot all the time. After they let MMS be a member....I checked out for good. I was hoping it would be a good community and all that, but it isn't much different than IG.
Wow Cap just dropped a few pegs down for that move anyone letting MMS do anything to pedel his stolen wares is wrong.
Nah, I'm not posting anywhere atm. Mostly active on speakeasy and breeders syndicate discord. Bean basement has too many people stirring the pot all the time. After they let MMS be a member....I checked out for good. I was hoping it would be a good community and all that, but it isn't much different than IG.
Its definitely not what is was at the start , Cap still posts more on IG than there...hah. Anyways, fuck masonic