What are the Differences between Milo and Ovaltine?
Milo is a chocolate malt beverage, while Ovaltine is a milk chocolate flavored malt beverage. The Milo is made with malt and milk while Ovaltine is sweetened with sugar and has no malt.
Milo also contains caffeine while Ovaltine does not.
Milo Vs Ovaltine: Many people are unaware that Milo and Ovaltine actually have a pretty big difference - Milo is made with Milo protein powder
I guess the caffeine comes from/is naturally occurring in the cocoa powder Milo uses(there's not a lot). Not sure why the cocoa powder in Ovaltine doesn't have caffeine, caffeine sounds like an improvement to me.
bro it seals better than a mason jar, if it didn't seal properly the coffee/milo would go off, or loose freshness
It has an expiration date so it does go off/lose freshness, and info online states to use it up within eight weeks after opening. That lid is pressed on using pressure, the reason they are sealed from the factory is because under pressure the metal of the tin is malleable and the metal surfaces are pressed together into the same shape. Once you open it that metal-to-metal friction seal will never go back together the same as it was, That's why you are supposed to use it within a certain period of time
after opening. The malleability of rubber and silicone allows it to be pressed together to form an airtight seal over and over again, metal not so much. According to their own packaging, these tins are not really designed to keep their contents fresh very long after opening. I mean eight weeks is nothing.
You can even buy improved reusable lids for Mason jars that work even better than the ones that come from Mason/Ball.
Doesn't matter to me personally I think you should do you, and I think it's cool that they use packaging that can be repurposed. But you asked so that's my opinion. I hope my response comes across as friendly because that's how I mean it. It's badass that you're willing to try something different, so if it works for you who cares what I or anyone else thinks?
I've used Three castles tobacco tins from England for years for pot tins, but I never 100% trusted them to be airtight. Have fun!