mary j is a gift and im gonna thrash it till i smash it;-) welcome to chedz world £€$

Im off chedz im smashed lol ill come back tomoz an take a look on the laptop need to speak so ill email you aswell mate.
All lookin mint chedz, the livers pheno is lookin very familiar ;) and that male1 is lookin bang like his dad did in got the livers cut yet chedz? that male2 looks very liversish id cross is back to the livers if i was you lol and that lemon is gunna be fuckin huge mate lol
Yh lad male 2 is deffo the livers pheno ! No livers cut yet but its no probs tbh if it comes along so be it but tbh the exo is my main line u know dis ;-) the lemon is a good size i can see another 8-9 being pulled again especailly with it gettin extra light bro might even let it go the 10wk tbf see how it compairs!
U got pm rude booii
Why not lmao fuck me ill av that many plants growin in a month i wont know wot is wot haha i need sum white sticky tags haha before i start losin me head !!
Gk x Psychosis all the gk crosses av been potted up bar the exo bro took 2xslh an 2exo clones tonight;-) the 1st flowerin girls are lookin smashin and drinkin all there grub after every other day so ill be waterin everyday in flower which i dont mind tbh as i know im gettin wot i should from the potts !! Next run will be exo and lemon give the gk x psyco chance to grow how i want em;-)
Well unless it has hair round it I cant find things lol. My baby girl will be a year old in 11 days and shes just getting her feet so most my time is going on her at the min lol. I gotta take a load of cuts but when shes napping its a pain lol. I use clothes pegs as tags for my pots.
Fuck me thats fled a yr already shit bro weres the time gone ?? ;-)
Yh good idea with the pegs bro im all over the place atm myself with growin and takin cutts poppin bean ect ect this peroitual bollox is hard work but im gettin there haha lol