HAHA.... You have the wrong idea MM!

(I didn't mean to lead you to believe that)
Most of us are very peaceful and violence would be the last resort! No one plans on taking out the police force, we actually appreciate our police officers here. The police around here are very human and sensible. I doubt they would actually even enforce martial law if the fed gov't told them to. We are cool with them, and they know we aren't some rogue militia looking to terrorize our area.
My areas militia is almost like an extension to the local police force except we are keeping a keen eye on the federal gov't. Our local police officers are informed on whats going on and thats why they wouldn't put us on curfews. The police know us and we know them, we feel safe with them and they are safe with us. We(the police and us) have a common goal which is to protect our rights. The police actually support our creed. (Our area has some of the best police officers after you really get to know them! We live in a peaceful place)
The police are on our side. They have close ties with us, we actually share information. The police and our group are tight!
Maybe, this ^^^ can better depict our group. We don't want violence, but we will take action if need be. We are preparing ourselves to use the second amendment (the right to bear arms) for which it was intended- to protect ourselves from a rogue federal gov't. Its our constitutional RIGHT!
Maybe you guys too can contact your local police and see if they know the 411. You can call anonymously(if you prefer) or send an email with something like this attached.