Marshydro Led grow...

Why is there still peoples using mars panel?
Don't you see the many advertiser for very efficient cxb cob lights here on riu?
It is not too expensive and would provide you more than gpw...I never saw a mars panel pull that much...maybe a hid!
Monos panel are old tech...even with good diodes...which is not the case for mars panel...!
I currently have 5 plants in 3gl in a 3.5x3.5x4.5 box split in 4 with a cxb 3590 3500ºk 36V CD @1400mA (55w) over each quarter (220w) and it is perfect...let's see how many gpw a 350 $ diy panel can produce!?!...4 weeks to go!
Have a great day ★

Hey! I am pretty sure this is a can of worms but I agree that I heard great things about those CREE COB lights.
I am actually looking into DIY right now with a couple or so of those LEDs.
Let me see what advertisers are here, money is of course a concern.
Hey! I am pretty sure this is a can of worms but I agree that I heard great things about those CREE COB lights.
I am actually looking into DIY right now with a couple or so of those LEDs.
Let me see what advertisers are here, money is of course a concern.
So do you want to diy or do you want to buy a commercial panel?
If it is diy you are at the right place...
Let us know the size of your grow room and if you want to vegg or bloom with!
Great choice you won't be disappointed! Cxb 3590 will provide you years of very big crop!
Have a great day ★
Grow room is 120x60 (4'x2') right now. I need a light for veg+bloom. I am already running two Marshydro 300W but just wanted to look into DIY out of curiosity and fun.
Grow room is 120x60 (4'x2') right now. I need a light for veg+bloom. I am already running two Marshydro 300W but just wanted to look into DIY out of curiosity and fun.

That Mars probably draws 150w. That's only 19w/sq ft in your 4x2 space. Have you grown with it yet? You need about 45-50w/sq ft for a shorter plants, 50-60w/sq ft for taller (I've seen people using MarsHydro at 70 to 90w/sq ft).

If you use a reputable COB like Area 51 (and some others recommended in the LED forum) you need about 25-30w/sq ft. Two Area-51s would fit in that space well. That would put you at 22.5w/sq ft. Add some Cree lightbulbs as sidelight to take it up to 32'ish. One 18w PAR38 in each corner would do it.

Depends on how much DIY you want to do. You could do it all with DIY COB. Or, fill in the space using DIY COB instead of the lightbulbs.
Since you have mars panel...curiosity and fun would turn to excitement and joy...cause even the cheap Vero29 @1400mA would pull gpw for with a cxb3590 cd it is more 1.5gpw in soil!
For a 2x4...8 sq/ft 200/250w would be great...5 cxb 3590. ..4 3500ºk 36v cd and one 4000ºk db in the middle on an hlg-240-1400b and a good actively cooled hs! will cost you about 420 $....350 $ if you go with 220w!
220w would be enough since I have it over a 3.5x3.5x4.5 inches box (one single 55w cob can cover 1.5x1.5 easy! a 2x2 too but not as good as 1.5x1.5! (So it is better imo to space the cob 18 inch from each other...1.5ft! 1 ft is the minimum after you put too much light in the middle and not enough on the sides...we have to stop thinking hid...light spread is one of cob best advantage...we should use it smartly and split our grow space by the numbers of cob to place one in the middle of each area...!)
If I had unlimited space I would go 220w each square meter or 3.5sq/ft no more...or maybe just one more in the middle to get to 275w!
But I don't have unlimited space so it will be more since it is going to be too much!
Have a great day ★
That Mars probably draws 150w. That's only 19w/sq ft in your 4x2 space. Have you grown with it yet? You need about 45-50w/sq ft for a shorter plants, 50-60w/sq ft for taller (I've seen people using MarsHydro at 70 to 90w/sq ft).

If you use a reputable COB like Area 51 (and some others recommended in the LED forum) you need about 25-30w/sq ft. Two Area-51s would fit in that space well. That would put you at 22.5w/sq ft. Add some Cree lightbulbs as sidelight to take it up to 32'ish. One 18w PAR38 in each corner would do it.

Depends on how much DIY you want to do. You could do it all with DIY COB. Or, fill in the space using DIY COB instead of the lightbulbs.

Mind you I am using TWO lights.

The thing is, I am *usually* flowering on the Sunroof, here in sunny Spain. Even now. But I still want a light for veg/flower, for example I am growing some Autos right now which I (for a test) want to grow/flower in the greenhouse under LED. And yes, note that I get additional day-light in the green house, if not sunlight. So I think I am *barely* getting by with those two "300W" units.

As for space, I could actually make this bigger (if I wanted), the entire green house is 4'x6', but now under the lights I am only using 4'x2'

Yes I was also looking at the Veros, they're probably a better deal altogether. The best thing if there would be complete DIY kits complete with heat sink, drivers etc. so I only have to assemble and am good to go. Or a complete list of parts (which I can buy here in Europe) without major work required. Connecting them, drivers,soldering is all fine..I just can't cut heat sinks, stuff like that, I don't have those tools. So the effort required to make those lights should be reasonable.
5 cxb 3590. ..4 3500ºk 36v cd and one 4000ºk db in the middle on an hlg-240-1400b

Yes that combo sounds very good to me, I like the additional 4k. (I guess this is for more Blue)

What wattage/volts are you running them? 50 each I assume? How much does one light draw?

Do you have a link to that exact driver? I cannot find a "hlg-240-1400b" anywhere.

Scrap the question with the wattage..I see they draw 50W each. A 250W real power draw would be *perfect*, so this looks really good to me.
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The best thing if there would be complete DIY kits complete with heat sink, drivers etc. so I only have to assemble and am good to go.

I'm surprised someone's not doing that. I guess it's not cost-effective to deal with all the inventory and customer-satisfaction issue when someone who could actually put the kit together is likely to source the parts themselves and save money.

I have similar thoughts about making relatively efficient lights for small spaces. I wonder why some of these reputable COB makers aren't doing that. But, it's probably the same thing. People who do small spaces aren't going to quibble about 9w or 14w. They're happy with CFLs. It's not as drastic of an improvement like tall grows.

I agree with you about a parts list. Something like that could be available. I haven't followed the COB topic much. But, I wish there were more definitive, easy-to-locate sources of info like that. (I feel my wiki spasm coming on....)
Hello Spanish neighbor...
Do you know todogrowled? It is Spanish!
For the Meanwell hlg-240-1400b I guess it is available in mouser but I hope Jerry at kingbrite will have some soon...I need to order in few weeks and since I didn't find cheaper source for cob top bin and driver despite shipping cost...
You should watch a few videos on YouTube...look for Graumau5(he made one vid with all the basic explained very informative and well made!and others very cool too!) greengene Realstyle and you will be almost ready!
PS. I see that the "pros" run the lights without lenses and covers. I assume dusting the LEDs (or even wiping them with alcohol) is ok? Just wondering since I have some dust issues here...after some months (mind you, they're semi-outside) they get a bit dusty.
Hello Spanish neighbor...
Do you know todogrowled? It is Spanish!
For the Meanwell hlg-240-1400b I guess it is available in mouser but I hope Jerry at kingbrite will have some soon...I need to order in few weeks and since I didn't find cheaper source for cob top bin and driver despite shipping cost...
You should watch a few videos on YouTube...look for Graumau5(he made one vid with all the basic explained very informative and well made!and others very cool too!) greengene Realstyle and you will be almost ready!

WoW ! Todoled have some interesting stuff on there..thanks!

As for Kingbrite.. what is their exact web address? I did a search today and it listed my all types of companies, KingBright, Kingbrite etc. so I don't know which is the right one :)

Edit: TODOGROWLED = brilliant. Seeing that just for the LEDs I would pay 5x€50 I think €380 for a complete unit with driver, heatsink etc. is a very good price. I am writing to those guys if they can make a custom one with 3K+4K mixed.
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Kingbrite an alibaba shop...
For the dust on yellow posphor layer you will need isopropyl alcohol 99º.
Just a few drop on a towel and wipe it very gently and let it dry before use!
Ok, my head is buzzing right now from looking up all those specs.
While most will probably say the 3000K CREE CXB are "ok" for vegging I really don't like the drop in the blue range. Then the 4000K COBs don't have enough red, as it looks.
I asked those guys whether they can build a light with three CRE CXB/CXA and two other lights in between, maybe two additional Cree XPE to fill out what the lights might be lacking in the blue spectrum. To me this sounds "reasonable". There should be a way to fill-out the somewhat lacking blue spectrum.
If you really think it won't be enough blue to vegg well try to add a 5000ºk in the middle of 4 3500ºk with an hlg-240-1400b...or even a 6500ºk DD (67/68% efficient @1400mA) full of blue!
Or just made a vegg and a bloom light!
But believe me a 3500ºk do a pretty good vegg...very bushy, healthy, green...and you can choose the size of your plants with...close (6/8 inches) you will have short and bushy plants and farther (12/16 in) you will have more node you have the control of the grow...nothing less than a mh...just better imo!
I just stick to 3500ºk...but I will try the 4000ºk DB (61% @1400mA...5% more than 3500ºk CD 56%!) I want to try those because of efficiency and since I will mix those with 8 cxb 3500ºk in a 4x4 it will be ok...but first alone in my 3.5x3.5 for testing!
Well I *think* those guys are using 3000K lights, they told me they're fine for the entire cycle of growth and that they did many tests. I guess I have to believe them. It also seems that most guys are indeed using the 3000K lights as "overall" good lights for vegging and flowering?
(Even in the unlikelihood???? that the blue would not be enough...I have two 300W Marshydros and I could equip one of them with all blue I really need a supplemental light for the blues.....)
Optimally of course I don't want to run the Marshydros any longer after I get that light. I have no doubt in my mind that the 4x CXBs will s***t all over the Marshydros :)
I am not sure 3000ºk is the best for vegging but it will do the job I guess since I am pretty happy with the 3500ºk for it and if I haven't gotten a vegg box I would have stayed with 3500ºk all along (but I really want to try 4000ºk DB bin!)
But for my vegg box I wait to see what realstyle do with his 6500ºk DD or maybe go with 5000ºk 2530 @700mA I am not sure yet but since my 3500ºk done it very well I finish with the bloom cob than I will made the vegg ones and restart regular seed thing I never done since 5 years...only fem because of no vegg room...and I will be able to make one more crop per year because of it...I can start the vegg and save 3 weeks (3 weeks in 1 gl then 2 in 3gl then bloom in 3gl...but I plan on making some large and low pot in same thing like root pouch!)