Never said I didn't own an LED, I also agree I'm not a troll. I've had an interest in LEDs more specifically OLED and materials impregnation (under grad thesis) for years now. That lead me to my part time work with one of Americas largest LED sign companies for improved conductivity and longevity of LEDs and the subsequent novel applications of them. However these diodes are admittedly just colored and have no use for specific wave lengths as they are for signage. I've quietly watched as the technology has improved and lent itself to indoor cultivation. I then approached the owner and suggested they branch off and tackle the indoor market. I've since been doing market research and admit they are almost all scam artist who make ambiguous claims of intensities, efficiency, and just shit quality. So yes I agree the DIY is the way to go, even proposed kits of high quality parts for self assembly.. There is no profit margin. The only way to make a profit is to do exactly what the led companies are doing.. Slam shit parts in there and hope not too many fail. We've abandoned the project, the real money comes from the programmers writing code to say "make noise" (stadiums).
For me personally I'm going to make my own once some spare time comes my way. Till then I'll keep the HPS.
Do I know what LES means.. No. Care to explain?