Marsh Growing Help

I've found and chosen a couple of spots for growing this year.
One of them the ground is fine and the soil shouldn't need much prepping but the other is deep within a thick strip of marshy woods lined by reedbeds and a river on one side and some disused fields on the other.

Any advice on what the soil might be like or whether I should do a lot digging? I can get hold of 45 litre pots and get them there if needed.


Well-Known Member
I can get hold of 45 litre pots and get them there if needed.
might be a good idea, if it rains heavily you might get flooded out, you could move to higher ground temporarily.
I would think the soil would tend to be acidic in a marsh ?


Well-Known Member
I've planted in burlap bags set into the reeds at the waters edge, worked well.

Good luck

Thanks for the advice.
The marsh doesn't normally flood iirc because a few miles downstream is the sea and there's dam with a floodgate that lets out water, but i'm pretty sure it's flooded before, so the pots might be an idea.