Mars ts 600.

Using other design schemes and iterations I put together a circulating system consisting of 2 18gal lidded containers. A pump in container '1' sends H2O "over the top" to a waterfall outlet in container '2'...H2O circulates back through the bottom maintaining proper levels. The system has a 3/4" outlet for siphoning out when it is time to flush.

It could accomodate up to 12 netpots but 6 (3 per tank) is pretty much the max for a 4x4 space.

The system was inspired by the requirement to:
1. Maintain consistent nute levels
2. Improve aeration
3. Simplify flushing
4. Simplify testing pH/EC

Basic part list
2 18 gal containers ($8 ea)
3 3/4" Bulkheads and spikes (evac, and bottom connect between 1 &2) ($15 ea)
3/4" pipe (connect 1&2, Evac) ($10)
1/2" pipe (over the top to waterfall and thru bottom 3/4" for return) ($10)
2 pumps ($20 ea)
2 aerators/stones ($20 ea)
Caulk (NOT pvc glue; don't ask)

Pro-tip: Original design didn't include a pump for the bottom return but the movement of H2O from #1 over the top to #2 overwhelmed and flooded the tank. H2O moving back through the bottom needed to be accelerated. Out of an abundance of caution I run the pumps on a timer 15 min/hr. I have run it up to 90 minutes without issue
not complex, its so stupid easy it hurts, not only that is its cleaner in every aspect, no soil to deal with just roots, no guessing about PH or PPM, less than half the overall time and effort.
I simplify it beyond this, just an airstone, no drip - while drip is great for the first few weeks, it serves no purpose beyond that, and no water level gauge just because leaks are the devil and Id rather just lift the lid or push it to the side to look if i have to.