Mars Hydro Cup comes again soon!! Start at Sep 7th!!


Well-Known Member
- A way to win Mars Hydro FC6500/FC4800/FC3000 lights
- A way to show off your grow skills
- A way to learn more new grow skills Are you excited about this? Mars Hydro Cup comes again soon!! Start at Sep 7th!!


#marshydro #marshydroebay #FC6500 #FC4800 #FC3000 #ledgrower #ledgrow #ledgrowlight #ledgrowlights #growled #pretty #growdairy #thc #CBD #growyourown #ukgrow #420germany #quantumboards #growroom #growtent #quantumboard
Guy on youtube named lexblazer is doing a run with the fc4800. He's seems pretty impressed with the light. Looks like a pretty kickass light. Love to get my hands on one of those!
@Midwestmedicineman @Wazzy @Hawg Wild @Nizza Mars Hydro cup already start, don't forget to check below link for the details. Good Luck!
@Midwestmedicineman @Wazzy @Hawg Wild @Nizza Mars Hydro cup already start, don't forget to check below link for the details. Good Luck!
Nice click bait mate !
Is it too late to join in on this?
no, just start, be kindly check the link for the rule details :)