Married 62 years, couple dies hours apart


Well-Known Member
I believe that when 2 people have been together for that long they are a part of one another and when one passes, the mourning is worse than death.

There are creatures in this world that share similar behavior patterns.

To love and be loved like that, one can only hope to be so rich.




Well-Known Member
This August 14th will be our 37th wedding anniversary and I think that's a long time but 62 years Daaaaaaaammmmmmmnnnnn that is a long while. Mrs. Old timer and I are looking forward to the 50 year mark and hopefully we'll make that..........but do I want to die the same time as my wife the answer is Hell no . I'd like to live another 50 or 60 years but as genetics would have it on my side of the family 75 years is about all we've gotten and routinely in the mid to late 60's is about average but I try and not think about how much time I have left I think about what I can do today. I fully expect my lovely wife to be at my bedside when I draw my last breath and if her time comes right after mine it will make for a good story but its only fate as much as we'd like to think it's from a broken heart or try to romanticize their passing it's just their time to leave this realm.......but if by chance we do go at the same time it's probably because she drove into oncoming traffic....!
Remember guys to Love The One You're With
Because if you don't someone else will !

a senile fungus

Well-Known Member
I asked the cutest old couple a few days ago what their secret was.

The man looked me in the eye and told me, "we've come to terms with the fact that we're going to die soon enough, we're just happy to be able to accompany one another on the way out."

He sat with his wife for hours, holding her hand while she slept.

He was awesome, I went in there every free chance I had to listen to him speak.

I like to ask the older people with dementia to tell me stories. Many of my coworkers think they're basically unresponsive but the real problem is no one sits there and listens to them.

I had an old man yesterday like that. I looked him in the eye like I do everybody and asked him a question and waited for an answer. After about 30 seconds he looks up at me, and answers me. His caregiver was blown away, they had thought the man was nonverbal for months. He was actually 100% with it, he even knew the date, hell I had to check my phone to verify the date. Not too shabby....