Marijuanna drug test pass or fail?

Tape synthetic urine under your armpit no need for microwave. That brings it to body temp and keeps it there. I do it all the time no prob. My testing is done through a lab too. Urineluck.Com is perfect I've used it before. Basically fool proof. Why take the chance with your slightly positive urine if it's a good job?
OP, how long do you have until an official test? your results indicate you will not pass. you're either going to need to use fake urine or get some clean urine from someone.

aside: is there really a new member on RIU who is using the north american man/boy love association acronym as a member name here?!? not cool. disgusting, in fact...
I have to get drug tested due to opiate addiction treatment. On the bottles I use a faint line does not indicate positive. Read the instruction booklet or Google for more research on that.
OP, how long do you have until an official test? your results indicate you will not pass. you're either going to need to use fake urine or get some clean urine from someone.

aside: is there really a new member on RIU who is using the north american man/boy love association acronym as a member name here?!? not cool. disgusting, in fact...

A week minimum is when I'll have the test taken. It's been over 2 weeks since I last smoked and over 3 weeks before I last smoked consistently (everyday, every hour...)

Thanks for the advice everyone. Still not very keen on the fake piss idea. I have another test I plan to take in a week and if I fail that I may consider synthetic urine. The vitamin + tons of water before the test idea sounds good, also
I took a utest marijuanna drug test 20ng and my results were very iffy.

The "T" line is so faint you could barely see it at all. I've read results that were negative were the line was faint but I don't think any were as faint as mine.

Here's a picture:
Any thoughts? Do you think I would pass a drug test for a job?

Edit: according to the test, if the t line appears the test is negative (clean/ a pass)
1 word man ural if i can betdaily drug tests in jail with them i think u might have some hope
I have to get drug tested due to opiate addiction treatment. On the bottles I use a faint line does not indicate positive. Read the instruction booklet or Google for more research on that.
On the package it states that the test is negative so the long the appear, no matter how faint... But it's quite faint that's why I'm skeptical
i think the "faint line" you are seeing is the test indicating it has completed properly. there is no line and if you can make it to say 35 days without smoking, you'll probably be able to pass with dilution. keep on keeping on and you'll be okay. let us know how it goes too.
find some clean pee. put it in a rubber. tape hand warmer to it. wear whitey tighteys and crotch it. use finger nail clipers to pierce the rubber and thats it.
So having the drug test in just a couple days I took the second at home test that came in the package. The line is definitely more visible. I also took a picture of the package with the directions so people know how it works



"The shade of the T line may vary, but should be considered negative whenever there is even a faint line"
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You passed. Ive taken tests after a line like that, and have never failed. Wait until your real test, piss with confidence, and then go home and toke up.
Thanks for your input. Anyone else with a similar experience?

And let me tell you, and if i can find the article again Ill post it. These scientist did an actual study, lab coats and all and some university, not some guys like us, on how long does cannabis stay in your system after cessation. In 90 something percent of the subjects, they did not test for THC metabolites after 10 DAYS. There were a couple outliers, but they noted that those individuals were smoking an ungodly amount of weed (think Wiz Khalifa, Snoop, etc).
And let me tell you, and if i can find the article again Ill post it. These scientist did an actual study, lab coats and all and some university, not some guys like us, on how long does cannabis stay in your system after cessation. In 90 something percent of the subjects, they did not test for THC metabolites after 10 DAYS. There were a couple outliers, but they noted that those individuals were smoking an ungodly amount of weed (think Wiz Khalifa, Snoop, etc).
Well I smoked quite a bit of dope... I also have a detox just in case but I'm worried about them noticing that I took one
image.jpg Night before lots of multivitamins, also zinc is proven to be a masking agent and as the guy previously said a couple Hours before the test drink a ungodly amount of water until you wanna explode.
Multivitamins will add colour to your urine and so will zinc. If you wanna really be sure get some diuretics from the female section of the grocery store, or men's health shops will sell you creatine.
They will flush the excess water out of your body especially around the yellow fat cells that release cannabinoids into your system.
Any thoughts? Do you think I would pass a drug test for a job?

use fake piss no one watching just keep warm 98 degrees

Many tests will tell if it is fake urine. If its done at a occupational medicine office, they will check to make sure its real.

Only way to pass is to get real urine that is clean. Put in container and use hand warmers to keep is warm. I wouldnt condone this as its illegal, but I have hear many of people using baseball sliding shorts to contain the bottle in the pouch for a cup.

Again, just hearsay ;)
View attachment 3372271 Night before lots of multivitamins, also zinc is proven to be a masking agent and as the guy previously said a couple Hours before the test drink a ungodly amount of water until you wanna explode.
Multivitamins will add colour to your urine and so will zinc. If you wanna really be sure get some diuretics from the female section of the grocery store, or men's health shops will sell you creatine.
They will flush the excess water out of your body especially around the yellow fat cells that release cannabinoids into your system.
I plan to drinks lots of water but a diluted sample often counts as a false negative. Hopefully if this happens they'll allow me to retake the test. I bought multivitamins but the bottle suggests 1 per day. Don't want to overdo it. Took 2 today. Still have all of tomorrow then 2pm the next day before the test
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Tape synthetic urine under your armpit no need for microwave. That brings it to body temp and keeps it there. I do it all the time no prob. My testing is done through a lab too. Urineluck.Com is perfect I've used it before. Basically fool proof. Why take the chance with your slightly positive urine if it's a good job?
I just found out the hard way today that the temp is of utmost importance. I brought Ultra Pure to a pre employment drug screen. I was totally confident, the bottle against my groin was reading 100 degrees when I took it out to use. I poured it into the sample cup and exited. The witch at the lab took one look at it and said it was not up to temp and voided the whole test. She didn't even bother feeling the bottom of the sample cup. Just threw it down the sink and that's it, I won't get the job now.