Marijuanna drug test pass or fail?


New Member
I took a utest marijuanna drug test 20ng and my results were very iffy.

The "T" line is so faint you could barely see it at all. I've read results that were negative were the line was faint but I don't think any were as faint as mine.

Here's a picture:
Any thoughts? Do you think I would pass a drug test for a job?

Edit: according to the test, if the t line appears the test is negative (clean/ a pass)
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Any thoughts? Do you think I would pass a drug test for a job?

use fake piss no one watching just keep warm 98 degrees
"what line on the T lol"
It is extremely faint. If you look closely enough you should be able to see a very faint line. Never said it stuck out like a sore thumb. This is what concerns me.
i failed twice years ago and i was clean 9 months on one i was overweight at that time
my son works out and drinks lot of water he passes don't smoke much
use fake piss no one watching just keep warm 98 degrees[/QUOTE]
This works every time and you don't have to quit smoking.
use fake piss no one watching just keep warm 98 degrees
This works every time and you don't have to quit smoking.[/QUOTE]
how would you keep the fake piss at 98degrees? Plus there's always the chance of getting caught or them figuring out that it's synthetic
This works every time and you don't have to quit smoking.
how would you keep the fake piss at 98degrees? Plus there's always the chance of getting caught or them figuring out that it's synthetic[/QUOTE]
nuke it has heating pad i've used hand warmers also with out the kit got someone to give me clean piss in old bottle before... pick this up to put on bottle to check temp before drop
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I used that, works great.. I used an ace bandage to attach it to my leg and wore loose pants.. Heated in microwave just before I left the house and 30 min later test was done.. Few days later I got a call.. Got the job..
Take a multivitamin. Drink LOTS of water. LOTS. I drink around 4 liters when doing this over about an hour. You want to piss around 3-5 times clear before going to take the test (I do 5 just to make sure). You know you have drank enough water when you you will feel spaced out a little. It means you are over hydrated. When you take the test you will piss clear, but have the vitamins and minerals in there from the multivitamin. I've smoked the night before a test and passed.