

Well-Known Member
haha yeah, though i havent seen them in 10-15 years....
used to roll up big ole fatties in em, im talking 1/8z joints, lol then take em to Bike Week @ Laconia, NH, sit at the park @ Wiers Beach first thing in the am and crank up Hendrix doing the Star Spangled Banner' and blaze on or two up, just to start the day. All the old greybeard bikers got a real big kick out of it, lol. opened up a door or two for me...

good times, great memories! (and wild women :lol:)


Well-Known Member

has anyone ever seen american flag rolling papers? would this be patriotic or....
Very interesting.

The very first time I saw that American Flag joint (without the cherry, of course) was in one of those Anti-Drug display cases.

This was 1972-73. Just about the time Nixon started the War on Drugs.


Active Member
Long Read but a great read. I agree with almost the entire artical and the questions they pose are questions I also wonder about. Dawning of a new day!!



Well-Known Member
That article was much longer than it needed to be; it could have easily been shortened by close to half by simply using less descriptive words, etc.; and this is coming from a very wordy person who absolutely loves to read! :mrgreen: By the sixth page I was bored out of my mind! Not from the content itself, but just the long, drawn-out paragraphs that went nowhere till the end of each one. I literally forced myself to finish that sucker out of sheer stubbornness, bound and determined to finish what I started no matter how bored with the author I'd become. :lol: