Marijuana Withdrawl = Strange Dreams


Well-Known Member
I'm going to bump this thread bc I'm on day 35 of not smoking and I've been having the craziest dreams for the past 20 or so days. Now I idk if smoking messes with your rem status but I have noticed a significant increase in my dream activity since I stopped, and I doubt it's withdrawal at this point. I remember them vividly and often find them very realistic. I can often find myself lucid dreaming and able to control parts of them. Sometimes they feel so real I need to reassure myself that what just 'happened' didn't actually happen. So yea bumping this, anyone else exp this and smokers do you dream? Bc when I blazed I never dreamed.


Well-Known Member
no, but ive heard if you smoke all day you never remember your dreems. now that your not smoking your remembering them more

and people dont really have "withdrawal symptoms" from weed......
I do. I get really anxious all the time and I can't sleep at night. Plus, I don't get hungry so I could go a week without eating.