Marijuana Threatens the Economy: Anti-consumerism


Well-Known Member
I'm about to enter my third decade on this ball of dirt, which makes me think about where I've been and where I'm going in life.

I grew up on a farm but thought I'd be happier in the city. After 10 years here, I find myself being drawn back to rural life. I'm sick of how everyone in the city is obsessed with their cars, houses and the crap they fill them with. The sports car I own is fun...but I've come to realize it's just something I use to distract me from how dissatisfied I am with my life.

Job stress has messed up my health and I've rediscovered marijuana through a kind friend. Call it self-medicating if you want, all I know is that weed helps me. My connection dried up and I'm too paranoid to hit the streets looking for new ones. Grow my own? Mmmm risky.

More and more I think about getting rid of my debt (sports car), and working my tail off to save money and move out to the country. Perhaps get certifications and experience that will translate into a job that I can do remotely (telecommute)? Heck, I'd probably be satisfied with the (basically) nonskilled labor that my father does (and gets payed ~50% more than I do). Freelance web design could always supplement my income. If all this works out, a small home off the beaten path big enough for a dog an me might be in my future.

Some people dream about getting rich. What good is money if you have no time to appreciate it and you live in a place where you're restricted by so many rules and regulations? If I can sit in my little house in the hicks, pet my dog, play online poker and dabble in growing some house plants I think I could be a much happier person.


Well-Known Member
I think anti-materialism is the word you're looking for. You're always going to be a consumer in some way shape or form. It's just whether or not your life revolves around your possessions. I need a car to get around. So i'll buy a more economical one. I don't need a 100 dollar a month cell phone bill, and a new 300 dollar phone every year to go with it. I want prada, I need levi's. People live vicariously through there possessions, and that's where they get caught up.


Well-Known Member
well i did used to have all these fancy things but now i still have my car that i need for work, had that for about 3-4 years, i did used to get a new mobile every chance i could.

when i thought about it, i was like, i dont really need another one. i hardly use this one, so i just converted the phone to a pay as u go sim which saves me quite abit of money. things like that help. so yer, i did take out a top of the range phone 19 months ago but now i have the phone and dont have to pay for it :p

i would like to move to a quiet place like urself, with alot of land and maybe a dog so he can run around


Well-Known Member
Yeah I probably could have used anti-materialism but the thread title was my poor attempt at making reference to Obama's Town Hall dismissal of marijuana as a laughing matter.

The worst part is I actually have two cars - the sensible good mileage car that I own outright and the horrible mileage sportscar that I owe about $11000 on and will likely pay off and keep as the best I can hope for is to break even. I got a new phone when I renewed my cell contract but it was just a step up from the free one - paid maybe $30 for it and I have the cheapest plan. This plan is simply an evolution of my preexisting frugal nature. I gave in to desire on the sportscar but only to prove to myself that inanimate things can not bring me lasting happiness.