They should have created a way for regular people to grow weed small scale and do it like craft beer operations. That would have created a real economy, one that could last!
Oh! I like this very much! I must investigate further! When will this opportunity be available to us poor people?Funny you should say that because they just changed the rules for "craft cannabis".
As of late 2018, small “craft” cultivation facilities will now be eligible for a unique type of licence called a Micro Cultivation Licence.
The security and operational requirements are less stringent than the larger production facilities (which fall under a Standard Cultivation Licence), making this a very attractive opportunity for small business entrepreneurs.
The Micro Cultivation Licence permits 200 square metres (around 2152 square feet) of total canopy space, including multiple surfaces. It can be either indoors (greenhouse, warehouse) or outdoors (farming). For information on outdoor farming, please see the page in this section called Outdoor Cannabis.
Oh! I like this very much! I must investigate further! When will this opportunity be available to us poor people?
Except the micro have to sell to the LP? Nice to be able to grow it. Good luck finding someone to buy it off you legally
I’m not sure where you found this but I suggest you read the acutal act by the federal government. Is you are unsure of the wording feel free to post it here for clairification. If I’m not mistaken it falls under health Canada jurisdiaction so that’s where I went for the act and rules. I think you will find the above to be false. Licenced LP’s are required to test the levels of their products before selling for medical purposes. You think a micro cultivator doesn’t have to meet those same standards just because they are smaller? EspicallyThe Micro Cultivation Licence allows a facility to cultivate cannabis and sell (wholesale) to a licenced third party, and allows the direct sale to provincial distributors (fresh/live plants/seeds only), other licenced Processors (dried flower, oil), licenced retailers or directly to medical patients who hold a medical document provided by a health care practitioner. To supply to the provincial retail supply chains, a Micro Cultivator would also need to achieve a Micro Processor Licence for the same facility (Health Canada does not allow a Micro Cultivation Licence to be combined with a Standard Processor Licence).
I’m not sure where you found this but I suggest you read the acutal act by the federal government. Is you are unsure of the wording feel free to post it here for clairification. If I’m not mistaken it falls under health Canada jurisdiaction so that’s where I went for the act and rules. I think you will find the above to be false. Licenced LP’s are required to test the levels of their products before selling for medical purposes. You think a micro cultivator doesn’t have to meet those same standards just because they are smaller? Espically
With how tightly controlled it still is here.
Oh and BTW any wholesale buyer “provicne” will want you to meet minimum supply quantities way above those you can provide under the current canopy limits. Thanks liberal ass wipes
Legalization in Canada will only ever be gornw by large LP’s until the canopy limits or who you can sell to is ammebded. They need to adapt the seed to sale model applied in the US where the micro cultivator can sell right to his local retail store and support the homegrown local economy
I only know all this as my brother is a health Canada inspector and our family looked at converting one of our farm buildings to a micro.
Feel free to cite the act and provide the references.
The rules are changing for micro cultivation and nursery licenses.
FYI the liberals legalized cannabis on a Federal level its the Provinces that are fucking it up. BTW do you really believe that the Conservatives would have legalized cannabis never mind doing it right?
Conservatives would have never done it I’ll give you that. I’ll wait to see the new rules because when we looked into it. It looked as though it only favoured the big corporations who could supply hundreds of lbs a week