"Marijuana" on the History channel


Well-Known Member
I just wanted to let you guys and gals know that currently on the history channel is a documentary about MJ. I have no idea if it's any good, but I'm going to give it a watch.


Edit: It's called "Hooked: Drugs" and this episode is entitled "Marijuana"


Active Member
It's on youtube already.

That show's been around for a while. :hump:

[Edit: It's really interesting though, definitely give it a watch.]


Well-Known Member
I'm watching I right now, I only caught the last ten minutes though. Up next is Hooked: LSD and Exstacy, can't wait haha.


Well-Known Member
It's on youtube already.

That show's been around for a while. :hump:

[Edit: It's really interesting though, definitely give it a watch.]
Go figure, I'm normally a little behind on things of this nature. Thanks though, it seems to be pretty interesting so far.


Active Member
It definitely puts things into perspective with pot, you learn a lot.

By the time I was done watching it I was pretty furious that it's still illegal. :hump:


Well-Known Member
"Marijuana Nation" / National Geographic

"Marijuana Inc. Inside America's pot industry" / CNBC

Both are a good watch. Check em out if you can
Ive seen Marijuana inc. its pretty good. especially since its on late and im stoned when im watching. But yeah it would be pretty cool to have a house built for growing weed.