interesting, pertaining to hops: 
original thread:
it makes you wonder..

it makes you wonder..
i read that they took a grain plant and grafted it to a marijuana stalk keeping the pot root and the grain plant had thc in the grain so it might be possible to graft a strawberry plant to a marijuana plant ang feel good eating thoes strawberrys
i was surfing the net... as you do ... and i found a youtube video of some guy grafting different fruit trees to a bigger tree root system. here be the video if anyone's interested. im posting because i think that if you wanted to speed up marijuana growth you could take the root system of other plants with a similar structure and graft a marijuana stalk to a different plant. say a fast growing plant something that produces fruit, something like strawberries or tomatoes, the beauty of this being, you could clone plants that have already budded to plants which are yet to bud, plus it'd look fucking MAD to have strawberries growing next to big fuck off weedy buds, has anyone tried this? can anyone think of some better reasons for doing it? and does anyone know if it'd be possible?
ROFL i can see it now ,,, a weed tree.
The basic research on grafting Cannabis was done many years ago.
The results:
Hops(a close relative of Cannabis) grafted to Cannabis does not begin making THC.
Cannabis, grafted to Hops roots, produces THC.
Neither half of the graft changes its innate growth pattern.
I figure some bright kid will do some genetic engineering and we'll see "superpot" sooner or later.
200% THC, including the roots.
Finishes from seed, yesterday.
Tastes like perfection.
Very mild smoke.
Bestows immortality.
Hurry up, Damn it!
yes, i have given up on grafting. if you know what 'kudzu' is, i use to attempt to graft all kinds of food plants to kudzu, except beans/legumes, which kudzu is most closely related to. i am talking about using some high-tech methods that require sterile environment and special equipment. and some lower-tech experiments, such as chopping up 2 or more different plants, and letting them grow together in tissue culture. \ although if i had some specialized equipment, i would go even farther, experimenting at the cellular level to create new plant species that wouldnt have the possibility of seperating back into 2 (or more) different plants later.
methods which would require a verrrry small needle and a very good microscope.
then there is the method where you 'graft' seeds. taking the embryo or some plant material from a cannabis seed and putting it into a hops seed, and vice versa. it has been done, several years ago, with a type of wheat and a type of maize, to create a plant that grew pieces of wheat plant and pieces of corn plant.
but as far as normal grafting, i gave up on that. i have seen a thread in a forum, with pictures, where a guy grafted cannabis on either hops or grapevine. but he had to keep the junction moist, he basically had a piece of budplant cut and taped to a cut vine, and was keeping it on lifesupport by watering the graft union, where eventually it was supposed to heal and become an actual graft union, and the plant could finally get its water and nutrients from the host.
the kind of grafting i want to experiment with in the future, is where you micropropagate cuttings in tissue culture, letting different plants touch, and sometimes at the junction, you get a shoot of a new plant that is the combination of the two. it has been done. so even if i dont ever get around to creating new fruits and flowers, all with cannabinoid DNA, i will create chimeras. most likely for ornamental purposes, unless i made a cocapoppyweed chimera..
i dont have any of this equipment, lab, or access to them, if i attempted now, it would be akin to growing shrooms in jars with kitchen equipment. so for now, it is just a dream i have, that will not begin to take place until at least 2015 for me, but is entirely possible for anyone with access to the proper equipment/funding, and i say go for it, as an experimental hobby that could lead to great things.
AFAIK, micropropagation, plant tissue culture is the only way to get plants that normally wouldnt graft to each other, to do so.
and theres a way to help them graft, by fusing their cellular membranes together via electrolysis, or passing an electrical charge between the two different plants, after cutting and placing together. there may have been some special skinning of the cells that make contact before passing the electricity through, which transports dna from one side to another, and helps them fuse, because the dna getting into the host helps calm down the immune response that would normally fight off the new plant and make the graft fail.
i wish i could find some links for you, but these things are buried in google under years of new shit. i cant even find the paper about the guy who was using colchicine and GA3 on cannabis to make a better hemp, and ended up making superweed and a vinelike sativa.
i did, however, find this research that says GA3 decreased THC content:Four-week-old Cannabis sativa L. plants were treated with 1 ml. of gibberellic acid or indoleacetic acid at concentrations up to 250 p.p.m. The treatment was repeated at weekly intervals for 3 weeks. These plants were harvested 1 week after the last treatment. Gibberellic acid caused a significant increase in height and a decrease in the weight of leaves and9-tetrahydrocannabinol content. Indoleacetic acid produced no significant changes.![]()
since u mention itThe basic research on grafting Cannabis was done many years ago.
The results:
Hops(a close relative of Cannabis) grafted to Cannabis does not begin making THC.
Cannabis, grafted to Hops roots, produces THC.
Neither half of the graft changes its innate growth pattern.
I figure some bright kid will do some genetic engineering and we'll see "superpot" sooner or later.
200% THC, including the roots.
Finishes from seed, yesterday.
Tastes like perfection.
Very mild smoke.
Bestows immortality.
Hurry up, Damn it!