Marijuana is a drug

By definition food is not a drug...
Definition of drug
Popularity: Top 10% of words
  1. 1a obsolete : a substance used in dyeing or chemical operationsb : a substance used as a medication or in the preparation of medicationc according to the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (1) : a substance recognized in an official pharmacopoeia or formulary (2) : a substance intended for use in the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease (3) : a substance other than food intended to affect the structure or function of the body (4) : a substance intended for use as a component of a medicine but not a device or a component, part, or accessory of a device

  2. 2: a commodity that is not salable or for which there is no demand —used in the phrase drug on the market

  3. 3: something and often an illegal substance that causes addiction, habituation, or a marked change in consciousness
Some people get really touch feely when you talk about weed man.

Keep that in mind, threads about side effects etc never go well. And even though we use cannabis as a medicine we get upset when calling it a drug..
By we i mean they..

I seem to be one of few level headed people on this site but my background is in pharma
Some people get really touch feely when you talk about weed man.

Keep that in mind, threads about side effects etc never go well. And even though we use cannabis as a medicine we get upset when calling it a drug..
By we i mean they..

I seem to be one of few level headed people on this site but my background is in pharma
I understand. I wrote this to ruffle feathers. And it worked...I honestly think that it's the best drug in the world..the very best....almost a cure all if you will....less damaging than any mainstream pharmaceutical will ever be.....

Can I just say thanks for keeping your cool and discussing this like an adult... For real. Your awesome...
I haven't done Coke in like ten years. But I still miss it all the time.
I only indulge once in a while. Like, it's more like champagne, you break it out for important parties or something, and consume responsibly. For functionability, amphetamines are pretty staple by prescription for that, but that's something completely different. In any case, not trying to get into this huge thing about it, because I'm sure these boards aren't supportive of mixing cannabis talk with "hard drug" talk, but I'm new, so I could be wrong, but coke can be enjoyed responsibly if the person is a responsible one in general.
I only indulge once in a while. Like, it's more like champagne, you break it out for important parties or something, and consume responsibly. For functionability, amphetamines are pretty staple by prescription for that, but that's something completely different. In any case, not trying to get into this huge thing about it, because I'm sure these boards aren't supportive of mixing cannabis talk with "hard drug" talk, but I'm new, so I could be wrong, but coke can be enjoyed responsibly if the person is a responsible one in general.
I stopped cause I don't have control
A drug is something that alters the mind and body

fat people, and people who take proclaimed "drugs" are the same, because they've over-indulged in a good thing - food to be alive, drugs to get the same buzz/feeling each time, too much of anything is bad at the end of the day. As for weed, well that claim is yet to be made.
A drug is something that alters the mind and body

fat people, and people who take proclaimed "drugs" are the same, because they've over-indulged in a good thing - food to be alive, drugs to get the same buzz/feeling each time, too much of anything is bad at the end of the day. As for weed, well that claim is yet to be made.
Alters the way it functions normally