Marijuana is a creature not just a plant

Ok...just found this....and mmmmmmMMMMMMAAAAaaaaybe...jusssst mmmmmaaaaybe...
"The Happening" isn't that far-fetched of a movie plot, after all! The first segment of this documentary is fantastically interesting! It's very clear that the idea of plant consciousness in NOT just a stoner's daydream! There is/has been quite a bit of study going into this stuff! Check it out!

That's simply not true. The love of material wealth and individual selfishness is causing the destruction of our environment, not science. That's silly.

You may have that perception because you have been exposed to some kind of anti-science bias. Science does not have an agenda to destroy the ecosystem, nor does it inherently contribute to our planet's livable atmosphere

My "angle to take" is based on empirical data, not opinion. It isn't an angle, it is demonstrably true.

Most of the work being done to find sustainable solutions to the big problems of humanity and our planet's living ecosystems is being done by scientists, using the scientific method, to do science.

I really need to reply to your answer here, I am no scientist or claim to know a lot about anything, But what I do know is, Our world is getting devoured into nothingness.
If CNN gave as much time to this, putting the scientist on CNN or other Real news Stations. as they Did For the Donald, and are as we speak. Just maybe we could stop all the Destruction of our Planet. We need these People on the Air so we can fight against these Oil Moguls and all the other industrialists ruining our space for life.
I like your words, But we need to stop all the pollution and destruction before we have nothing left for or next generation.
If just maybe the top News Networks did this, Putting these Facts on the air and let the People know how and which direction we are going in, not everyone knows or believes like they should.
Prepare for the worst, Hope for the best. We can Stop them from ruining our planet for the sole purpose of money.
Thanks for your post very good.
Well that point may be better suited to the politics section. This thread will be much more interesting without tainting it with such lower life forms! :)

Honestly, I don't think the Earth is in any threat from us...I believe the Earth will rid itself of any organisms that are not in harmony, eventually. We won't destroy the planet. We WILL destroy ourselves and much of the life on it....but, the Earth will rebound from anything...up until the time the Sun does something weird...or until the Earth gets hit by another planet-sized object...or until the ice melts and the land is flooded...and, even then, the Earth will just become a total water planet and the aquatic life will be the new arena for life's hierarchies! Human...dinosaurs...It's all the same to the actual planet...we are of little consequence. Once we are gone, the Earth will rebound in a new and better way.

However, I do believe we need to try and live within the balance of nature so that we can preserve our own existence. If we can't do that, then we have no reason to continue as a life form.
Imma explain why, i got a deep connection with the plants i grow and wont just grow anything, Plant Telepathy is real.. backster effect, ever see a plant fall over how all the branches move to adjust to the light? Very creature like..
Also i pick up on the thoughts plant strains i grow give me (the actual plant)
Hazez for example i wont grow no more there wild untamed animals, dont like there thoughts.. they grow tall and lanky to compete with the jungle shit, also they easily throw there seeds out instead of having to pick them out the buds like domesticated kush.. they come from the equator full of anacondas panthers elephants wild shit you know, they even pinch hard certain parts of my body usually lower left stomach, plus the crazy thoughts. they only create only Thc/ venom barely anti venom /cbd. its like bringing a wild creature into your home, the books need to be rewritten.. if you were born all alone on this planet with no one to lie to you, you would judge the world completly different..
Im a firm believer in cleave backster the backster effect

You're on the money!! There's a lot of research that's been overlooked about this. Granted most people who have grown for years,( I started when I was 5 gardening everyday at my grandparents house while my mom was at work) basically the more you work with plants the more you realize they are not an immaterial object. They do have feelings, they do react and they do sense. Maybe not in the humanistic forms we have come to know but they do.

Here's one for you, I say a prayer for my plants before I cut her down. For the next 24 hours soild she's on my mind. I'm crazy? Maybe? I've talked to be growers here in SoCal and they all reasonate with the thought that there is more to the plants than we believe
OP, they have no clue what are they talking about. 2 weeeks ago i woke up in the middle of the night at 3 a.m. and moon walked into my grow room just to find out that circuit breaker shut the lights off. About 2 month ago I woke up around that time just to find 1 plant completely dry and wilted cuz I skipped that plant when I was watering. Get a precise voltmeter and check the current in between bottom of the stem and top cola - you'll be surprised.
Well that point may be better suited to the politics section. This thread will be much more interesting without tainting it with such lower life forms! :)

Honestly, I don't think the Earth is in any threat from us...I believe the Earth will rid itself of any organisms that are not in harmony, eventually. We won't destroy the planet. We WILL destroy ourselves and much of the life on it....but, the Earth will rebound from anything...up until the time the Sun does something weird...or until the Earth gets hit by another planet-sized object...or until the ice melts and the land is flooded...and, even then, the Earth will just become a total water planet and the aquatic life will be the new arena for life's hierarchies! Human...dinosaurs...It's all the same to the actual planet...we are of little consequence. Once we are gone, the Earth will rebound in a new and better way.

However, I do believe we need to try and live within the balance of nature so that we can preserve our own existence. If we can't do that, then we have no reason to continue as a life form.
Adaptability is the key to survival.
One of these days, the earth is going to shake us off like a bad case of fleas.