"Marijuana Growing" Email Subject Title- Please Change It


Active Member
seriously, does it have to say "Marijuana Growing" in the title of email notifications?
Isn't that a bit...... retarded?
I feel funny everytime i check my mail on the iphone and i'm hanging out socializing or whatever, i'm in a social environment, bus, store.... and i really don't want someone looking over my shoulders and see that title on my screen.

Besides, i thought we were supouse to be incognito, no??


Well-Known Member
I like receiving notifications, but it would be much nicer if they were stealthier. Simple request, makes a lot of sense.


Well-Known Member
I agree^ it is sort of, well out in the open if anyone happens to see "marijuana growing" in your inbox.


Well-Known Member
Just yesterday a buddy of mine (non smoker) was looking over my shoulder at my phone. We were looking for an email. As I was going through the phone, there are 3 of these in a row that popped up. I flung my finger up the screen real quick to hide em. Don't know if he saw them or not.